
Sunday, August 31, 2003

Do you google?

I google alla time!!!! So i downloaded the google toolbar
i had a yahoo companion toolbar, but rarely used it, so i uninstalled it
the google toolbar also has a pop-up blocker, and a blog button that i can use to automatically link a page onto my blog

click the linkie to get it


had a chitty chat with mass and mq and jazz last nite

it was a good pick-me-up; lately i've missed talking to everyone and it just really sucks that i need sleep
most people need less sleep as they get older
i find that i need more
why am i always the odd one? can i NEVER fit the mold?
oh well, normal is boring(is it?)(hmmmm)

today we are getting quite a bit of rain from TS Grace, but it has been downgraded to a depression because it is over land now--it went in near houston

i absolutely love rain and t-storms
"Rain, Rain, Stay and Play,
And come again, Every day!"
when i was little i was one of those kids that loved to go outside and play in the rain and stomp in puddles and later make mud pies, which sometimes i ate:)

we have been very lucky here in lake charles---no major hurricane has hit since Audrey in 1957
we've had some tropical storms and such but nothing catastrophic
some have come near like Lili last year---i actually had boarded up my house and was gonna ride it out but it went in a little east of here and spared us thank god
in '92, i evacuated for Andrew, and it went in east of us also
my entire family evacuated to Lufkin Texas, where we stayede at my mother's penpal"s house who was a total angel
she and mom had never actually met, but she invited us all there---we had no where else to go--the nearest available hotel rooms were in missouri! for Lili, my decision to stay was purely due to my babies--i figured if we died, at least we'd be together!

when i saw all the damage that Lili did in Vermillion Parish, i was aghast
we are lucky she didnt choose our area

oh well, it could be worse---i could live in tornado alley

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Hippo Girl - Joel Veitch rathergood.com music by Joel and Alex Veitch

this is what it's all about--loving someone despite their faults

it takes a lil time to download.... so wait!

Madonna, Britney and Christina!


i saw the kiss and thought it funny but i have seen that some people thought it was too much.....of course ida liked it better if it had been, say puff daddy and chris rock, or any two cute guys---ive never been into lesbo scenes, sorry lu(ooops did i say that out loud?)

ps make sure you click the link above

Friday, August 29, 2003

I've finished the first page of my new geocities site. You can click the link "About Me" to see it.

I may make changes to the links on it, because I think I may tell more people about it than about this place which I'm unsure of how public to make. It's not that I don't want to share my inner self with all my friends and family, but I may want to talk about them here and not have them see it....and truth be known I am not comfortable with the idea of like my parents reading about some things that I might write about here. Sex and stuff---like when jazz does the lmrc thingamabob to me.

I never did get that nap today. And i really would like to get to bed early tonite, but i feel lonely and wanna chat with some friends tonite. Maybe someone will be online early and i can have a few laughs and then hit the hay

Laughter is the best medicine JJ.

well last nite really sucked donkey dicks
i was peeing every 45 minutes to an hour; getting up for work wasnt easy, but i did it
of course i spent as much time in the bathroom as i did my classroom--oh well
after lunch the need to pee began to diminish and i no longer have any pain(knock wood)(not that one!) and my sense of humor is even returning! yay!

i'd only been home a few minutes when alan(doctor-cousin)called to check on me
he told me he really doesnt think it was a stone as i should have seen something come out even if it were a tiny one--(tiny STONE, dammit) and there had been no blood in my urine sample so he is pretty sure it only an infection in my prostate--the swelling is causing the pain and the frequent urination by pressing on the baldder
i am on antibiotics and that should knock that out
no explanation for the travelling numbness which has decreased quite a bit but still comes and goes but now only in my lower leg and unfortunately my face, which still is scary

well medical science cant explain everything---if it keeps on i'll have to go to my chiropractor and see if a few adjustments are in order---i havent been in a couple years

the weekend is here yayayayay and it's a long weekend too

and thank you god for answering my prayer for today to be better---it was
i just pray that tomorrow is even better

i'm exhausted
i think i will take a nap, but it will have to be a short one because big brother is on tonite and i wanna watch

Thursday, August 28, 2003

OK I am OK

that's what i keep telling myself
ever since i rounded the corner just past the thirties, my body has just been falling apart

i already go the doctor every 4 months because of emphysema, which i was diagnosed with at age 38 (2 years ago), so it really pisses me off to have to go in extra times for stuff, ya know?

plus sometimes i feel as though i am a hypochondriac(you should see my medicine cabinet, lol)

well i have a bleeding ulcer, or so i was told in june, with the qualifer that if the prevacid($125 for 30 pills) didnt do the trick we might need to have a colonoscopy....

well i saw blood again two days in a row---the yucky tarry black stinky kind that has been in the gut for a while....but wait that's not all...in july i started to have off and on numbness in my lower right leg from the ankle to the knee, as in it would come and go repeatedly throughout the day, but only when i was on my feet, not while sitting or laying in bed---until this past weekend

suddenly the numbness comes and goes regardless of whether i am standing or sitting or lying about AND it is now also in my lower right arm from my wrist to my elbow AND then scariest of all---my face and scalp

my first fear is that it is a stroke so i whip out the medical book and i dont have other tell-tale symptoms so i bravely decide to wait till monday and call the doctor rather than do the emergency room thing (i was scared of being admitted)

then monday things are getting still worse and i now have back pain and nausea along with all the other stuff! and of course headaches---plus i am peeing every few minutes

if i were a farm animal i'd be put down, not even fit for human consumption---maybe not even dog food

urine test revealed nothing, no bacteria or sugar or anything---just plain pee
blood was taken of course, with the expectation that it would show that i was anemic(due to the internal bleeding) and that would explain the numbness

my prostate(dont you love that exam? especially when your doctor is your cousin?) is slightly swollen which could be why all the peeing

and oh yes, we need to schedule that colonoscopy to make sure that that blood is just from the ulcer

blood tests show nothing wrong, except for a slight elevation of wbc

today i start having painful urination and at first i also hurt internally above the groin and i think kidney stones, since my dad has suffered with them for as long as i can remember

i call and talk to Dr.Double Cousin and he says that would explain the back pain and the nausea and if a stone had moved around and cut me up it could explain the wbc count---he said call tomorrow if i still hurt and we will do an ultrasound to see if it is a stone

but now i've stopped hurting and still am peeing constantly and my urethra is so very sore i think it is cystitis

what next?

and to top it all off, i'm getting really depressed because i dont want to whine to my friends because noah has already put everyone through the wringer with his cancer---how can i bitch about all these irritating annoyances??

so i have stayed away from everyone so that i dont get asked a bunch of questions cuz i know i'll spill

please god let tomorrow be better

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Ahhhh, the weekend. I so enjoy those two days. Sleeping a little later, puttering around the yard, exploring the neighborhood with my babies--Armando, Tess, Gabriel. They know that they get to go out and about on those days too! Don't try to pretend it isn't the weekend either---they know!!! If I take a sick or personal day during the week, they don't think it's the weekend. Come Saturday, though, rain or shine they are excited and jumping up and down and running to the kitchen and staring up at their leashes and whining.

Today, we went a little further than normal and met some new dogs that are fenced in. We'll have to go visit them again---they were sweet after we got past the "this is my territory" barking and craziness. Some dogs never stop their barking and lunging and gnashing of teeth. Others respond to a softly spoken word in passing. People may find it odd that I speak to all the dogs as I pass their yards, "Hi sweetie, how are you today? Where's your other half?" That kinda thing. Most bark until I speak. Once I speak, they stand wagging their tails, or jump up and down, some even whine, wanting us to come up to them.

Weekends are also for housework and yardwork. I am usually so tired when I get home from work during the week that I haven't the energy to do much. Gabriel and Tess need grooming, and sometimes Armando just wants to be brushed too, although he really doesn't need it---he's a shorthair Chihuahua. Tess is a Yorkshire Terrier. Gabriel is a Miniature Schnauzer.

More on my babies later.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

How many people like their boss? As an educator, I have many bosses, but the most direct supervisor is of course the principal. Let me say that she is a bitch and I don't mean that in a nice way. She is the most negative person that I know and in this field negative is a real no-no. She is also a liar of gigantic proportions. Truly, we believe that she lies compulsively. However, it disgusts me. A compulsive liar starts out lying by choice, but over time it gets out of control and they cannot stop. She keeps all her lies in order though and doesn't ever mix them up. She lies about big things and little things alike.

Its truly a shame too. She has chased many a good teacher away from our school and God knows we could use some good teachers what with accountability and No Child Left Behind. I teach at an inner-city school, and standardized tests are eating our lunch! Even the community wants her replaced, but for some reaason we just cannot get rid of her. We can only pray that she retires soon. (And pray that we dont end up with someone worse-OMG OMG!!)

Well I told you that I was gonna bitch and complain and BD(Bitch Dog)(my boss)(those are her real initials) has really been getting on my last quarter-nerve. She has even been making appearances in my dreams(nightmares) and I just hope that venting just the little that I have here will chase the demons away because I really need a good night's sleep.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Today I figured out how to add a comments section and to post links. This is gonna take a lil time to set up, but its doable.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Well, I've finally made the plunge and started my own blog. What to do with this space now that it has begun? Pour out my heart and soul? Bitch and complain about EVERYTHING? Keep track of cool stuff? Share neat stuff? Yeah. All that.

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