Friday, August 29, 2003
well last nite really sucked donkey dicks
i was peeing every 45 minutes to an hour; getting up for work wasnt easy, but i did it
of course i spent as much time in the bathroom as i did my classroom--oh well
after lunch the need to pee began to diminish and i no longer have any pain(knock wood)(not that one!) and my sense of humor is even returning! yay!
i'd only been home a few minutes when alan(doctor-cousin)called to check on me
he told me he really doesnt think it was a stone as i should have seen something come out even if it were a tiny one--(tiny STONE, dammit) and there had been no blood in my urine sample so he is pretty sure it only an infection in my prostate--the swelling is causing the pain and the frequent urination by pressing on the baldder
i am on antibiotics and that should knock that out
no explanation for the travelling numbness which has decreased quite a bit but still comes and goes but now only in my lower leg and unfortunately my face, which still is scary
well medical science cant explain everything---if it keeps on i'll have to go to my chiropractor and see if a few adjustments are in order---i havent been in a couple years
the weekend is here yayayayay and it's a long weekend too
and thank you god for answering my prayer for today to be better---it was
i just pray that tomorrow is even better
i'm exhausted
i think i will take a nap, but it will have to be a short one because big brother is on tonite and i wanna watch
i was peeing every 45 minutes to an hour; getting up for work wasnt easy, but i did it
of course i spent as much time in the bathroom as i did my classroom--oh well
after lunch the need to pee began to diminish and i no longer have any pain(knock wood)(not that one!) and my sense of humor is even returning! yay!
i'd only been home a few minutes when alan(doctor-cousin)called to check on me
he told me he really doesnt think it was a stone as i should have seen something come out even if it were a tiny one--(tiny STONE, dammit) and there had been no blood in my urine sample so he is pretty sure it only an infection in my prostate--the swelling is causing the pain and the frequent urination by pressing on the baldder
i am on antibiotics and that should knock that out
no explanation for the travelling numbness which has decreased quite a bit but still comes and goes but now only in my lower leg and unfortunately my face, which still is scary
well medical science cant explain everything---if it keeps on i'll have to go to my chiropractor and see if a few adjustments are in order---i havent been in a couple years
the weekend is here yayayayay and it's a long weekend too
and thank you god for answering my prayer for today to be better---it was
i just pray that tomorrow is even better
i'm exhausted
i think i will take a nap, but it will have to be a short one because big brother is on tonite and i wanna watch