
Thursday, August 21, 2003

How many people like their boss? As an educator, I have many bosses, but the most direct supervisor is of course the principal. Let me say that she is a bitch and I don't mean that in a nice way. She is the most negative person that I know and in this field negative is a real no-no. She is also a liar of gigantic proportions. Truly, we believe that she lies compulsively. However, it disgusts me. A compulsive liar starts out lying by choice, but over time it gets out of control and they cannot stop. She keeps all her lies in order though and doesn't ever mix them up. She lies about big things and little things alike.

Its truly a shame too. She has chased many a good teacher away from our school and God knows we could use some good teachers what with accountability and No Child Left Behind. I teach at an inner-city school, and standardized tests are eating our lunch! Even the community wants her replaced, but for some reaason we just cannot get rid of her. We can only pray that she retires soon. (And pray that we dont end up with someone worse-OMG OMG!!)

Well I told you that I was gonna bitch and complain and BD(Bitch Dog)(my boss)(those are her real initials) has really been getting on my last quarter-nerve. She has even been making appearances in my dreams(nightmares) and I just hope that venting just the little that I have here will chase the demons away because I really need a good night's sleep.

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