
Monday, September 29, 2003

its been a rough week for the pets

my dear freinds barbara and gary had to euthanize their 16 year old poodle, Cookie
Cookie was diabetic, had heart problems, was blind due to cataracts, and had simple stopped eating and was being forced fed to no avail, as she would simple throw it back up

melodie tells me her 17 year old cat, Misty is doing poorly as is my 15 year old Tigger

Armando threw up all oveer the bed today, and Tess is still having trouble with her hip

last nite i dreamed melodie put all 12 of her cats into her carriagehouse and burned it to the ground; what do you suppose that means??? where's the resident psychopath....er...psychologist when you need him---on a cruise , of course! sipping opiate tea and nibbling asian boys toes(save some toejam for jazzbo)

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Learn your Gay-B-C's here

i am taking a sick day tomorrow
i have to attend a conference all day saturday, and i need more than just sunday to get everything i do on weekends done
you know--housework, yardwork, grocery shopping, laundry, dog baths, lesson plans for the following week, etc.]
when the principal asked me to please attend the conference, i said NO
she whined and nagged until i finally said, okay, BUT i will take either the friday or the monday off...well mondays i have early morning duty and would have had to switch with someone so it was just easier to take friday
ANYWAY, today when i tell them that i wont be in tomorrow, they act all surprised in the office...and they say MEN have selective memories....and it gets back to me that that BITCH actually said to someone that sometimes i act like an old woman

that was a MISTAKE on bitch dog's part let me tell you
i marched my little happy ass into her office and let her know that people do not like her in the least and are more than happy to spread the unprofessional comments that she makes and in the future she needs to say things to my face or expect me to be in hers and not in a good way

its funny watching her try to put a spin on things, but the person she said it to just so happens to be a friend of mine and i believe my friend over bitchdog any day of the week

i really should come up with someting different to call her because my babies are offended that i use bitchdog as an expletive, but it has to be BD because those are her initials

maybe bitter dyke, big dummy(too nice), or bowel douche

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

A Little Bit of Good News

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

the other day i was wondering if i had invited ken here
that very day i received an email with this so i guess i did lol

i went to the doctor today
it was a follow-up from last time
my peak flow meter reading was 260 which is kinda low but not all that abnormal for me, especially since i was overdue for my inhaler by an hour and a half(shame!)
my PSA is a 1.9 which is fantastic
all my bloodwork was good
we talked about what i should expect when i go in for my colonoscopy
he told me not to worry that it would be very unusual for someone as young as me to have colon cancer that it is prolly something like colitis or some infection, but most likely something stress related; i reminded him that it is also very unusual for someone my age to have such severe emphysema; he countered that our family(remember,he's my double cousin) has no history of colon cancer

i also got a tetanus shot. i am like 3 years past due for one. when i hit the 10 year mark, there was a shortage of it and i was told to wait; i thought about it again the other day and put a note in my medical journal----i keep a little notebook that i write symptoms down and when and a description; i write questions i have for the doctor because i always forget to ask something; i write down dates of vaccinations and results of tests because family will ask what alan said and i will not remember things; i keep track of what meds i am taking and dosages, all that kind of thing

i also got my flu shot; normally he wont give them till october 1 but i already go often enough, so he said what's seven days---lol, i could hear the nurses giving him hell through the door "it's not october yet", "its your own rule", "you stay on us--not till october 1..." he said "its my rule i can damn well break it if i want"

anyway, that's done
and i DO feel better about the colonoscopy; not because of his counseling, but because i found out that he will be performing the procedure; i thought it would be done by someone else; ive never had one done and you know how specialized the medical field is; i really trust him and feel better when i'm ill just knowing that alan is watching out for me; i dont go to him for freebies---i pay, although before i had insurance i didnt, but now i pay what insurance doesnt---i go to him because he is a damn good doctor AND since genetically we could be brothers and have ALL the same relatives(alan's father is my mother's brother and his mother is my father's sister)(that's how my parent's met--they were fixed up by their siblings) he knows all my medical history and family medical history without me having to tell him--plus he treats a large chunk of the family

did i get off on a tangent?

tomorrow is wednesday and for the first time in a year i dont have ftb to look forward to
i miss gary and the gang already

AZViewer wants to keep in touch so i have invited him to durlx
if he hits it off with everyone there and he already knows most everyone already, maybe we can invite him to our other hangouts(he's cute too, he sent me a pic)(and did yall hear that sexy voice when he called in???)(almost as hot sounding as trip)

gary also reminded me that he wants us to pick a time to chat in ftb, so i hope everyone will do that at a time that i am able to(please) yeah yeah yeah, i know the world doesnt revolve around me, but i AM working on that!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

wow some of this stuff is tedious
i changed the code today to show the time a comment is posted in my time zone (central) rather than eastern time zone--sorry east coasters

Friday, September 19, 2003

Thanks to BlogSpeak, emoticons are now available to insert into your comments. Enjoy!


i go through cycles of watching a LOT of tv and periods where i watch little to none

i would say that i am in a cycle of LOTS of tv

big brother 4 is winding down
i really don't want either allison OR jun to win
but that seems to be the case every freaking time on this show---the people i want to win it never do

survivor(7 i think) started last nite
omgomg talk about some fineass men
i really like that gorgeous black man---his body, not his personality; he starts off a little assholish
andrew is cute
there are 2 ryans; one is hot, the other is not
i remember little besides chests and abs
i did tape it, so i guess i better watch it again

scifi channel should be starting its new season soon
stargate sg1, the deadzone
the bastards that run the channel keep starting new shows that i just fall in love with and they last one or two seasons and then are cancelled
i'm about to cancel their asses altogether
farscape how i miss you

other returning shows from last season that i for sure would like to keep watching--smallville and the gilmore girls on the wb, friends, will & grace, scrubs on nbc

i just discovered a show called the o.c. on fox that i like
of course there is enterprise on upn

plenty of newbies starting soon that i will try out to see if they are decent
i already like happy family with john larroquette( a louisiana native, btw)
whoopi's new show isn't that great; hopefully it will improve with time
my sister has the exact opposite opinion of those two shows; what do women know???(hey lulubelle and terri! heehee)

of course my favorite show of all isn't on tv
its on the internet
and it's finale is this sunday nite
hope everyone joins me in chat to say goodbye to the boys
btw, gary DOES want us to choose a nite to continue meeting in ftb chat so if everyone has a particular day/time in mind lets let him and everybody know so that those that hang with us outside of ftb can be given a heads up sunday nite

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

i have the blues

i've been having bad dreams the last few nights

i'm tired and cranky
i 've been trying to hide it from the babies, but they sense something is wrong
sweet lil trinkets of joy
thank god i have them

gabriel LOVED the toy i gave tess for her birthday
i wasn't surprised
tess is rarely interested in toys
she is a mothering type dog
she loves on the boys and me
she also enjoys rough-housing with the boys
oh and did i mention she loves to eat(she thinks she is a potbelly pig)

off to bed i go
everyone remember to catch episode one tomorrow(wednesday) nite at ftb!!

Monday, September 15, 2003

my little girl, tess, turns 5 tomorrow
the little bitch!

poor little thing, though
she has been limping ...probably her hip again
i'm not sure what keeps causing this. last time we did x-rays and nothing showed up except a little bitty area that looked like a smudge---the vet said it prolly was just a congenital defect, with defect being perhaps too strong a term
but she is overweight and jumps up and down from furniture, and is probably pulling something
I guess I will have to buy/build her a step or a ramp to get up and down

I haven't brought her in to the vet this time---he's just gonna tell me to lock her in her crate for a month except for meals and bathroom time; keep her still so she will heal
I just cant keep her locked up like that

but I do keep her as still as possible otherwise; if I don't see improvement over time i'll take her in to see the hunky dr pointer(straight, married, 2 kids)(also treats his staff like crap)(but he's a good vet)(did I mention he's attractive?)

anyway my last baby turns five tomorrow
yes she will get pampered
presents and cake
i'm a good daddy

Sunday, September 14, 2003

today i reconfigured my comments box to post most recent comments on bottom rather than on top

this was not a choice for me before, but as of today that function was added so i changed it

i'm only making a comment about it so people aren't confused

it did change previously entered ones as well

ALSO, Blogspeak, which hosts my comment box, is about to change servers,and there will be some down time at some point, so if the comments appears to not be working that is why---it will only be a temporary nuisance

Friday, September 12, 2003

Well, my PPO has finally given the ok for me to have a colonoscopy
it has been scheduled for October 30
my first thought was---ddggm, if I have cancer, I could be dead before then!
my second thought was, if I do have cancer, I HOPE I'm dead before then
I know that sounds sosososo horrible, but I just really don't think I can go through all that, but I will NOT let myself worry about it until it is written in stone

if you have never had a colonoscopy(I haven't) then you will be in for a REAL treat should you ever
Katie Couric makes it sound oh so easy, like a walk in the park

it doesn't sound all that bad, really except for the prep

listen to these directions

1. Two days before your scheduled exam, add water to the gallon of Colyte--up to the fill line. Shake the container well and put the gallon in the refrigerator (Colyte is much more palatable when it has been refrigerated)

2. The day before the exam, you may have clear liquids only. However, avoid red jello and other red liquids. Begin drinking the Colyte anytime after 1:00 PM and drink it all within a 4 hour period. That will mean drinking about 8 ounces every 15 minutes (or a total of 1 quart an hour). If you find that you just can't drink the Colyte that quickly, then hold off drinking for 30 minutes then resume drinking again.

3. While drinking the Colyte, you may have any liquid, except milk, until midnight (e.g. coffee, tea soft drinks, Popsicles, juice, broth, and jello---but not red jello). After midnight, you can have nothing else to drink or eat until the exam has been completed.

4. Have someone available to drive you home as you will be sedated and will not be permitted to drive yourself.

well, I had the Rx for the Colyte filled and it contains advice to swish with mouthwash after each 8 oz dose to help rid one of the taste

there are also warnings that it can cause extreme nausea and violent vomiting, which I should report to my doctor......really?


I have also been told about it by co-workers that have had this done, and they all say that the worst part is the day before when drinking "that shit"

my procedure will be on a Thursday, which means I will have to miss work on the Wednesday as well

I need to find out if I will be okay to return to work on the Friday----wait let me re-read that
nope, I will insist on remaining under a doctor's care THROUGH Friday---what the hell, huh?

well, I guess I will be squeaky clean after that
anyone wanna lmrc?

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Happy Birthday Gabriel Sweetie


5 years old today, you are a precious beautiful thing on this day of sorrow

kisses, kisses, kisses

Daily news ... Advocate.com

if Wesley Clark ran with Howard dean, I really would be excited about the 2004 election

if Clark ran as president I'd be even more excited
isn't he sexy?
I have always had a wet...er...soft spot for Wesley Clark

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

well well well well well
(i heard someone say "that's deep!")(bitch)
jj has put a bug in my ear today
yeah that shit about a totem animal
i feel like this is NOT the first time i have pondered this
question #1-Was(were) the previous time(s) due to jj too?
question #2-Can one have more than one ?
question #3-Can Ray come help me figure this out?

i have several lines of speculation

first, what chrisco said in his comment about the spider is also so very true for me. i squash all bugs, except for spiders, which have always fascinated me. (it all started i think with Charlotte's Web) i love to watch them. i give them free rein even in my home. i do not, however, want them ON me. if they are the type to jump around and are rambuntious, i will catch them and set them free outside. spiders also eat insects which is fabtabulous.

dogs, of course. they are the joy of my life. even those that aren't mine always seem to love me. those that don't instantly love me (these are typically guard dog types)
are usually won over eventually. i have particular affection for chihuahuas, always have

when i was a paperboy, i was attacked by this huge owl....bastard knocked me right off my bike...i was more scared than hurt... i like to watch them hunt...whenever i hear one hoot, i try like hell to find where it is nesting.....weird, whatever

alligators fascinate me, and i have been up close and personal with one once and prefer not to be again

i detest snakes

monkeys, dolphins, whales are all of interest

i love horses, cows, and pot belly pigs(whatever....shut up)

and yes, i have a peculiar fascination with the dreaded Louisiana trouser snake

in addition to the site jj directed us to, try this one for help in finding your animal totem

Animal Totem - How to find your Animal Totem

Monday, September 08, 2003

CNN.com - Law lets students forgo senior year - Sep. 8, 2003

omg what ARE they thinking??? This is one of the most assinine things I have read about in a while, including the shrub's attempts to gloss over his lies and stupidity. Of course, as an educator, I may be biased, but really, how can they expect these kids to compete? Most that skip that precious senior year will end up regretting it and then it will be too late. Get real---ask a kid if he'd like to skip a year of school and still get that diploma---what do you think he'll say? Would you have gone for it? I probably wouldnt have because i really dont think my parents would have let me, but if they would have, i would probably have said yayayayayayay!

Sunday, September 07, 2003

as i believe everyone already knows, i am just devastated about gary and steve's decision to call it quits
not only will they be ex-boyfriends, but now they will be ex-co-hosts
i will miss the shows as well as the comraderie in chat
i have met so many people there, it's hard to say good-bye
lucy has suggested to the boys that they leave the site up so that the chatroom can still be used, and that maybe gary and seanus(who have macs and cant get into durlx) will join us in chats weekly, we can choose a nite---this would be fab, and maybe our other friends from there like jamie and chris in iceland and AZViewer and hoop and zillafag and others will continue to drop by---oh and zombie and zach! and hopefully not bbt, but maybe pauld and jonnynyc and nathan x, my favorite!!!!

sosososo sad
of course, i totally expect to continue chatting with the durlx and jazzchat gang--mass, pebbles, jazz, lucy, pebbles, trip, durlx, chrisco, dante, mq, jj, and possibly even spark(i hope i'm not forgetting anyone)
its just the whole idea of the show and people calling in and all the fun the show generated with its segments and guests--its over


dont miss the final shows y'all
even tho its gonna make me cranky on monday mornings, i'll be there!

Friday, September 05, 2003

to make up for my earlier post, take a gander at matt's site, for a little eye candy

he used to be a cammer and i used to watch him daily and even chatted with him on occasion



okay believe it or not, the state of louisiana has decreed that every teacher must have a web page up by 2006. Our principal(Bitch Dog) has decreed that we all have it done immediately. Our school's tech person and our webmaster have designed a template to help us. It should all be online within a few days. It's amazing that within such a short span of time i have this blog, the beginnings of my geocities site and now a professional page as well. Who'dve thunk it????

i also got a new student today. a really really really really really low 1st grader.
he's my only first grader
it means totally revamping my schedule
i started out thinking how easy my year was gonna be, and this one little boy is gonna totally change it
not because he's dumb as dirt, but because i will now have to mix my grade levels together----this, when we are supposed to teach the children on their own age appropriate grade level, whether they are functioning on that level or not
have you ever even thought how hard it would be to teach a non reader using 5th grade level materials??? not easy folks
but hey, no child left behind says that every child can achieve the same level of mastery regardless of any exceptionality---even the mildly retarded, possibly moderates as well
the severe and profound are exempt, for now anyway, although they are assessed yearly also and must show growth

i ramble on about these things knowing most people that see this will care little about it, but hey this a journal and you were warned it was for bitching and if anyone in this world is a bitch, i truly do fit the bill(at times)

but anyway, what can we expect from the blithering idiot we have in the oval office---of course it isnt all his fault, he could never have come up with this or anything else on his own

this is just accountibility run amok

you will hear much more on this in the future i am sure(sorry if that sounds like a threat)

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Daily news ... Advocate.com

Original "culture guy" sues Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
The New York Post reports that one of the original members of the "Fab 5" is suing Queer Eye for the Straight Guy after being let go following the taping of the first two episodes. Blair Boone is suing the show for $105,000 in damages, the amount he says he would have been paid for a full year's work on the show. "The producers said that NBC and Bravo had to let me go, that it basically had to do with the fact that the show had a different idea with what they wanted to do with the 'culture guy,' " Boone told the Post. Boone, who quit a full-time job as an ad manager and writer for Metrosource magazine to go on the show, was replaced after two episodes by actor Jai Rodriguez.

i had wondered about what happened to him, but i really would like more specifics

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

the link below is to a funny interview from oui magazine in 1977 a la ahnold where he talks about his penis and group sex

The Smoking Gun: Archive

a few quick notes

melodie never made it by here to take those pics so blame her for it taking so long to update my geocities

on boymeetsboy---brian would've been in my bed!!! he was the only cute one in the final 3; james will have a one night stand with wes and then wes will be off galavanting in the clubs, sans james; frankilin's hair was a faux pas---no gay man would have such big hair and not keep it styled; but i did feel sorry for him at the end cuz james prolly said more than they showed and franklin looked hurt; lol @ infiltrating

queer eye: that guy---josh i think was his name---was a cutie; and what did they mean his girlfriend was hot--she was a total dog; the best part was watching him dance with jai

big brother 4---jee is sososo cute and sweet; i really detested him at first, but now he's on my "to do" list; omg i wish allison would get kicked out, cuz she is such a snake! jun is just as sleazy, and robert is an asshole; needless to say, i hope erica wins

Monday, September 01, 2003

Melodie is supposed to come over today to take pictures of me with the babies to post on my geocities site. I'm going to make a page that shows the pups and another with other pictures (topics to be decided later-if you have any ideas, besides porn, let me know and i'll consider it)

electricity has gone out twice today, and it is really gonna piss me off if it happens again!!
when the lights go out, all i wanna do is nap---other options would be available if i had company, but alas, no luck there and no,melodie doesn't count

i went to my lil brother's for bbq today---you can read about that elsewhere(think oklahomo)
he and his wife just bought a fabulous new home---it is omg so fancy, i wasnt sure if i was allowed in that kinda neighborhood---jamie must make a heckuva lot more money than I'm aware of---ddggm, share dammit!
the funny thing is that they now have this huge fancy place and no furniture lol
well, maybe in 20 years they'll have enough money to hit the yardsales again
actually, marla has already been shopping and has been getting fussed at that this and that are too expensive---but hey, if you spend $250,000 on the house you cant furnish it with second hand stuff--this isnt iowa(or michigan)(you thought i was gonna say oklahoma---fooled ya!)

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