
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

i went to the doctor today
it was a follow-up from last time
my peak flow meter reading was 260 which is kinda low but not all that abnormal for me, especially since i was overdue for my inhaler by an hour and a half(shame!)
my PSA is a 1.9 which is fantastic
all my bloodwork was good
we talked about what i should expect when i go in for my colonoscopy
he told me not to worry that it would be very unusual for someone as young as me to have colon cancer that it is prolly something like colitis or some infection, but most likely something stress related; i reminded him that it is also very unusual for someone my age to have such severe emphysema; he countered that our family(remember,he's my double cousin) has no history of colon cancer

i also got a tetanus shot. i am like 3 years past due for one. when i hit the 10 year mark, there was a shortage of it and i was told to wait; i thought about it again the other day and put a note in my medical journal----i keep a little notebook that i write symptoms down and when and a description; i write questions i have for the doctor because i always forget to ask something; i write down dates of vaccinations and results of tests because family will ask what alan said and i will not remember things; i keep track of what meds i am taking and dosages, all that kind of thing

i also got my flu shot; normally he wont give them till october 1 but i already go often enough, so he said what's seven days---lol, i could hear the nurses giving him hell through the door "it's not october yet", "its your own rule", "you stay on us--not till october 1..." he said "its my rule i can damn well break it if i want"

anyway, that's done
and i DO feel better about the colonoscopy; not because of his counseling, but because i found out that he will be performing the procedure; i thought it would be done by someone else; ive never had one done and you know how specialized the medical field is; i really trust him and feel better when i'm ill just knowing that alan is watching out for me; i dont go to him for freebies---i pay, although before i had insurance i didnt, but now i pay what insurance doesnt---i go to him because he is a damn good doctor AND since genetically we could be brothers and have ALL the same relatives(alan's father is my mother's brother and his mother is my father's sister)(that's how my parent's met--they were fixed up by their siblings) he knows all my medical history and family medical history without me having to tell him--plus he treats a large chunk of the family

did i get off on a tangent?

tomorrow is wednesday and for the first time in a year i dont have ftb to look forward to
i miss gary and the gang already

AZViewer wants to keep in touch so i have invited him to durlx
if he hits it off with everyone there and he already knows most everyone already, maybe we can invite him to our other hangouts(he's cute too, he sent me a pic)(and did yall hear that sexy voice when he called in???)(almost as hot sounding as trip)

gary also reminded me that he wants us to pick a time to chat in ftb, so i hope everyone will do that at a time that i am able to(please) yeah yeah yeah, i know the world doesnt revolve around me, but i AM working on that!

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