
Friday, September 12, 2003

Well, my PPO has finally given the ok for me to have a colonoscopy
it has been scheduled for October 30
my first thought was---ddggm, if I have cancer, I could be dead before then!
my second thought was, if I do have cancer, I HOPE I'm dead before then
I know that sounds sosososo horrible, but I just really don't think I can go through all that, but I will NOT let myself worry about it until it is written in stone

if you have never had a colonoscopy(I haven't) then you will be in for a REAL treat should you ever
Katie Couric makes it sound oh so easy, like a walk in the park

it doesn't sound all that bad, really except for the prep

listen to these directions

1. Two days before your scheduled exam, add water to the gallon of Colyte--up to the fill line. Shake the container well and put the gallon in the refrigerator (Colyte is much more palatable when it has been refrigerated)

2. The day before the exam, you may have clear liquids only. However, avoid red jello and other red liquids. Begin drinking the Colyte anytime after 1:00 PM and drink it all within a 4 hour period. That will mean drinking about 8 ounces every 15 minutes (or a total of 1 quart an hour). If you find that you just can't drink the Colyte that quickly, then hold off drinking for 30 minutes then resume drinking again.

3. While drinking the Colyte, you may have any liquid, except milk, until midnight (e.g. coffee, tea soft drinks, Popsicles, juice, broth, and jello---but not red jello). After midnight, you can have nothing else to drink or eat until the exam has been completed.

4. Have someone available to drive you home as you will be sedated and will not be permitted to drive yourself.

well, I had the Rx for the Colyte filled and it contains advice to swish with mouthwash after each 8 oz dose to help rid one of the taste

there are also warnings that it can cause extreme nausea and violent vomiting, which I should report to my doctor......really?


I have also been told about it by co-workers that have had this done, and they all say that the worst part is the day before when drinking "that shit"

my procedure will be on a Thursday, which means I will have to miss work on the Wednesday as well

I need to find out if I will be okay to return to work on the Friday----wait let me re-read that
nope, I will insist on remaining under a doctor's care THROUGH Friday---what the hell, huh?

well, I guess I will be squeaky clean after that
anyone wanna lmrc?

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