Friday, September 05, 2003
okay believe it or not, the state of louisiana has decreed that every teacher must have a web page up by 2006. Our principal(Bitch Dog) has decreed that we all have it done immediately. Our school's tech person and our webmaster have designed a template to help us. It should all be online within a few days. It's amazing that within such a short span of time i have this blog, the beginnings of my geocities site and now a professional page as well. Who'dve thunk it????
i also got a new student today. a really really really really really low 1st grader.
he's my only first grader
it means totally revamping my schedule
i started out thinking how easy my year was gonna be, and this one little boy is gonna totally change it
not because he's dumb as dirt, but because i will now have to mix my grade levels together----this, when we are supposed to teach the children on their own age appropriate grade level, whether they are functioning on that level or not
have you ever even thought how hard it would be to teach a non reader using 5th grade level materials??? not easy folks
but hey, no child left behind says that every child can achieve the same level of mastery regardless of any exceptionality---even the mildly retarded, possibly moderates as well
the severe and profound are exempt, for now anyway, although they are assessed yearly also and must show growth
i ramble on about these things knowing most people that see this will care little about it, but hey this a journal and you were warned it was for bitching and if anyone in this world is a bitch, i truly do fit the bill(at times)
but anyway, what can we expect from the blithering idiot we have in the oval office---of course it isnt all his fault, he could never have come up with this or anything else on his own
this is just accountibility run amok
you will hear much more on this in the future i am sure(sorry if that sounds like a threat)
i also got a new student today. a really really really really really low 1st grader.
he's my only first grader
it means totally revamping my schedule
i started out thinking how easy my year was gonna be, and this one little boy is gonna totally change it
not because he's dumb as dirt, but because i will now have to mix my grade levels together----this, when we are supposed to teach the children on their own age appropriate grade level, whether they are functioning on that level or not
have you ever even thought how hard it would be to teach a non reader using 5th grade level materials??? not easy folks
but hey, no child left behind says that every child can achieve the same level of mastery regardless of any exceptionality---even the mildly retarded, possibly moderates as well
the severe and profound are exempt, for now anyway, although they are assessed yearly also and must show growth
i ramble on about these things knowing most people that see this will care little about it, but hey this a journal and you were warned it was for bitching and if anyone in this world is a bitch, i truly do fit the bill(at times)
but anyway, what can we expect from the blithering idiot we have in the oval office---of course it isnt all his fault, he could never have come up with this or anything else on his own
this is just accountibility run amok
you will hear much more on this in the future i am sure(sorry if that sounds like a threat)