
Thursday, October 30, 2003

good googly moogly
that drug cocktail they gave me today was veeeeeeerrrrrrrryy nice
i have no recall whatsoever of the procedures
yes i said procedures with an 's'

when the nurse was reading my orders and aftercare stuff to me before the doctor arrived(because i wouldnt remember anything after they gave me the injections) she mentioned two procedures, which i immediately questioned, as i was only supposed to have a colonoscopy

the other procedure was a gastroscopy, to check the esophogus and stomach
when Alan arrived i asked him if he'd ordered the other procedure and he said yes, because he wanted to check there too while he had me on the table

so, i am prepped by having an IV put in, my pants removed and gown put on, connected to monitors for blood pressure and breathing, and i was put on oxygen because my blood oxygen level was low due to my emphysema

once they put the demerol and versed(?) in me, i have no further memories until i am awakened by a nurse telling me i cannot leave until i pass gas---i am bloated like that contended(sic) cow in the chatrooms----so i grunt and strain and finally belch and fart so loudly that from beyond the closed door to my room and up the hall at the nurses station the hear me and yell enthusiastically for more(lol) which i so oblige until i am back to normal size and am discharged into the care of my mother who brings me home

although i was told i could eat a normal diet i was to start slowly---whatever! it had been 36 hours since i'd eaten solid food and iwalked into the kitchen and started grabbing food and swallowing it whole

then Armando and I went to bed and i slept until work called to chaeck on me
i didnt answer, because i didnt know what to tell them---i have no memory
mother told me a few things that Alan mentioned to her, and that he would call this evening after i had a chance to sleep it off

well he did just call and he was fairly pleased with the results so far
there was only one small polyp in my colon which was biopsied and sent to the lab---it didnt look cancerous so prolly nothing more than a skin tag

the othr side wasnt as pretty
even after drinking all that colyte, my stomach was still frothing with acid and it was red and inflamed, but no gaping hole
alan says i may have had an ulcer and the prevacid has recently healed it
he did take a biopsy of the lining of my stomach to see if there's anything there

also i have an hiatal hernia
he told me not to be overly concerned as many people have this and it can be controlled with meds---at this time it isnt bad enough tho warrant any type of surgery---only if it gets to where i cannot lay down without acid pouring into my throat and keep me from sleeping

anyway now i have to take double prevacid for at least the next couple of weeks to see if that solves the problem

am i happy?

yes and no

i am so very happy to know it isnt cancer and so happy that i dont have to have surgery
but....what next if the stomach/abdominal problems continue???

slow down, stop and smell the roses, he tells me
its your type A personality, stress, etc etc

lab results on the biopsies will hopefully be in when i go in next tuesday for followup
i have a slight cough from the tube down my throat, but no problems below(hush pebbles!)

LMR while its already clean!

thanks to everyone for their well wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts
love ya

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Think you know everything...?
> A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
> A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
> A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
> A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
> A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. (I
> now know I'm part
> goldfish)
> A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a
> second.
> A shark is the only fish that can blink with both
> eyes.
> A snail can sleep for three years. (The rest of my
> DNA is definitely
> snail)
> Al Capone's business card said he was a used
> furniture dealer.
> All 50 states are listed across the top of the
> Lincoln Memorial on the
> back
> of the $5 bill.
> Almonds are a member of the peach family.
> An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
> Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear
> until the child
> reaches
> 2 to 6 years of age.
> Butterflies taste with their feet.
> Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only
> have about 10.
> "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the
> letters "mt".
> February 1865 is the only month in recorded history
> not to have a full
> moon
> In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been
> domesticated.
> If the population of China walked past you, in
> single file, the line
> would
> never end because of the rate of reproduction.
> If you are an average American, in your whole life,
> you will spend an
> average of 6 months waiting at red lights.
> It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
> Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
> Maine is the only state whose name is just one
> syllable.
> No word in the English language rhymes with month,
> orange, silver, or
> purple.
> On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over
> the Parliament
> building
> is an American flag.
> Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but
> our nose and ears
> never
> stop growing.
> Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
> Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
> "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only
> the left hand;
> "lollipop"
> with your right.
> The average person's left hand does 56% of the
> typing.
> The Bible does not say there were three wise men; it
> only says there
> were
> three gifts.
> The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for
> each gallon of diesel
> that
> it burns.
> The microwave was invented after a researcher walked
> by a radar tube
> and
> a
> chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
> The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the
> lazy dog" uses every
> letter of the alphabet.
> The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls
> froze completely
> solid.
> The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the
> same whether they are
> read
> left to right or right to left (palindromes).
> There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
> There are more chickens than people in the world.
> There are only four words in the English language
> which end in "dous":
> tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
> There are two words in the English language that
> have all five vowels
> in
> order: "abstemious" and "facetious."
> There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables
> Vitamins.
> Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
> TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made
> using the letters only
> on
> one row of the keyboard.
> Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during
> a dance.
> Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
> Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus
> every two weeks,
> otherwise
> it will digest itself.

the worst is over, according to everyone i know that have had this done
it was nasty
but not as bad as i thought it would be
it got worse after each dose and the running from kitchen to bathroom back and forth back and forth back and forth was exhausting
i actually didnt drink the whole gallon, only a little more than three fourths
i hope it was enough
i just couldnt drink anymore
if it wasnt enough, they wont do the procedure and i will have to go through it all over again!!!
the directions said i could stop after i started passing clear liquid with no solid matter, which i did

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry right now
i'm hoping to be able to eat in about 15 hours

btw, casatejando was back up-----yayayayay!

i just took the first dose of the colyte
i held my nose and downed it
i immediately rinsed my mouth with scope
wasnt bad
hope it stays as easy as the 4 hours of 8 oz every 15 minutes proceeds

i have been starving all morning
i have had like four bowls of jello and it only satisfies for a few minutes
i will be out of my mind with hunger by tomorrow at this rate
a side effect of the colyte is supposed to be nausea; maybe that is a blessing in disguise

more later
another dose is due in about 7 minutes
send good thoughts!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

well jazz's site is down, ftb is kaput, and i'm still single
what's wrong with this picture???

guess that means i will either have to do some online shopping or get out the porno mags and .......see what comes up


tomorrow is colyte day
and fasting

i think i will stay up late tonite and just eat and eat and eat

i have a new neighbor and and and and he's kinda cute

maybe i can stalk him
more on mr cutiepie later

i think i feel like getting a new dvd
anyone for a gay horror flick?

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Just a quickie note for those people that don't get the FortheBoys Yahoo Message Board emails---Gary and Steve have Volumes 6-13 on sale at their site. I haveta wait to order mine because I drowned my sorrows in online shopping this month. After I make a payment, I intend to get them, although maybe not all in one order. Being Poor sucks.

If you need a direct link to their site, look at my links on the right side of the page.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Time to set the clocks back - Oct. 25, 2003

well it took the hour i get back to reset all the clocks and watches and crap
i really get tired of this
i am writing my congressmen to complain, but doubt it will do any good
i did read that farmers complain about it as well because the animals have a hard time adjusting to the time changes
maybe pebbles has a story or two about milking cows having to hold it an extra hour or complaining that they arent ready to have their udders squeezed just yet
does anyone live in an area that doesn't do the time warp--er.... change that is?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

THIS is an update of what's going on with the Terri Schiavo saga in florida

i have such totally mixed feelings about what is happening
i am very much in favor of euthanasia
i believe in our right to die with dignity
BUT i feel like starving someone to death is just plain wrong
and do we believe her husband's assertions that she claimed to not want to be kept alive this way
most people dont want to be kept on respiratory devices and such, but many times they draw the line at withholding of food and water

i guess i should say that if she had left her wishes in writing---a living will----i would say okay let her die, but what with her entire immediate family against it and no living will, i just couldnt do that to someone

i would want to be given a lethal injection rather than starving to death
or at least a bullet in the head
what are your thoughts on this?

unfortunately, i had a very painful, horrible weekend
my gut again
i really wanted to just go ahead and die
anything to make it stop hurting

i felt better for a day, then another bad day
then the depression slammed me down to the ground and grabbed me in a envelope of overpowering emotion

i am scared scared that there is something bad wrong
scared that the colonoscopy will show some horror
scared of a lifetime of pain with no end
scared of colostomy bags
scared that i'll be trapped in that damnable prison for weeks again
scared even more that it will show nothing is wrong and i will have more tests
and the looks from people like maybe there isnt anything actually PHYSICALLY wrong
and of course, thinking that people are giving those looks is just paranoia itself

it's easy to just want to curl up in the bed and do only so much as is necessary

although i have been online, i havent felt up to interacting
i have only felt like whining
you know what big babies men are when they are sick

the worst part is that if i eat or drink, i tend to feel poorly
if i dont, i feel crappy(pardon the pun) too

yesterday and today were okay, just discomfort rather than pain and nausea

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

lab results were just as good as last time so no expedited procedures; it will go down as originally planned(shut up pebs, yes i said go down, heeheehee) at the end of the month

Monday, October 13, 2003

okay, i'm not in the hospital(yet), pending lab results
if my hemoglobin has dropped since last time, then my colonoscopy will be moved up to this week, otherwise it will be done as scheduled
if it's moved up it will be done my a different doctor as mine is booked till kingdom come

he put me on an antibiotic, but i'm not sure if i remeber the reasoning correctly---so i'll skip that part unless someone with medical training wants me to try---my head is beating off right now so i'm gonna lay down for a bit----i should get a call later this evening or tomorrow to tell me whether my colonoscopy is being moved up

just a quick note

i took a half day today
going to the doctor
might not be about for a bit if they admit me into the hospital
had a bad weekend with lots of abdominal pain and passed a nasty bit of black tarry blood last night; almost went to the emergency room pain was so bad
i hate hospitals

Friday, October 10, 2003

I have begun singing in public
I'm not sure if it is a sign of a deteriorating mental capacity or just a lack dignity

I have been singing in my classroom
I use schoolhouse rock and other musical teaching tools
the children seem to learn things faster if we put lessons to music

at an inservice on Accelerated Reader the other afternoon, the presenter asked if anyone new "Happy Trails"

well I just broke out into song
people, with shocked expressions, were like, "I didn't know you could sing...." and today my principal(bitchdog) asked me to sing(I declined because I hate her) so she could hear me---she had stepped out of the room during that meeting

my problem is I am not consistently a good singer
sometimes I sound good, other times I sound bad, really really bad
and yes, I can hear myself and can tell the difference

combined with other little telltale signs, I wonder if I have early onset alzheimers or some sort of dementia

and no I will not sing at your wedding, but I WILL dance

Sunday, October 05, 2003

and Dante thought that Meow's frying pan was bad--what about

Saturday, October 04, 2003

today was election day here in Louisiana
while the returns are coming in, the statewide races are yet to be determined and many will end up in runoffs
i am unabashedly a democrat, but have been known to cross party lines, depending on the candidate, but i didnt today
louisiana has had a republican governor for the past 8 years and i think its time for a change
the republican frontrunner is the handpicked successor of the current governor, Mike Foster, who i did vote for last time

the ballot was very long: governor, lieutenant governor, commissioner of agriculture, commissioner of insurance, attorney general, secretary of state, 15 constitutional ammendments, state senators and state representatives, and a host of local races.

We had 3 minutes in the voting booth
you had to go in prepared

voting isnt for the faint of heart

Friday, October 03, 2003

i played hookey today
i started the day not feeling well, so after arriving at work, told my asst. principal i was going home and did

thank goodness i am not a regular teacher
since all my kiddies have a regular teacher, its okay if i dont go in

spent most of the day in bed with armando
sleeping is such a fabulous thing
i wish i could get more and more of it

life has been pretty boring of late
work, housework, tv, sleep

my babies have all been suffering with sinus
tess is throwing up everywhere
i am so tired of cleaning up dog vomit
luckily i have a steam cleaner

does anyone else's babies suffer so?
we go through this in the spring and again in the fall
right now its the ragweed

tomorrow is election day
if you live in louisiana, remember to cast your vote!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

WorldNetDaily: 'Male lesbians' barred from Lesfest event

maybe i am just innocent of worldly ways, but i wasnt aware of the fact that there were male lesbians...does this mean that there are also female gay men out there as well???? please say it isnt so...or is that why some of my friends are weirder than weird?

and i thought I needed therapy

go figure

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