
Thursday, October 30, 2003

good googly moogly
that drug cocktail they gave me today was veeeeeeerrrrrrrryy nice
i have no recall whatsoever of the procedures
yes i said procedures with an 's'

when the nurse was reading my orders and aftercare stuff to me before the doctor arrived(because i wouldnt remember anything after they gave me the injections) she mentioned two procedures, which i immediately questioned, as i was only supposed to have a colonoscopy

the other procedure was a gastroscopy, to check the esophogus and stomach
when Alan arrived i asked him if he'd ordered the other procedure and he said yes, because he wanted to check there too while he had me on the table

so, i am prepped by having an IV put in, my pants removed and gown put on, connected to monitors for blood pressure and breathing, and i was put on oxygen because my blood oxygen level was low due to my emphysema

once they put the demerol and versed(?) in me, i have no further memories until i am awakened by a nurse telling me i cannot leave until i pass gas---i am bloated like that contended(sic) cow in the chatrooms----so i grunt and strain and finally belch and fart so loudly that from beyond the closed door to my room and up the hall at the nurses station the hear me and yell enthusiastically for more(lol) which i so oblige until i am back to normal size and am discharged into the care of my mother who brings me home

although i was told i could eat a normal diet i was to start slowly---whatever! it had been 36 hours since i'd eaten solid food and iwalked into the kitchen and started grabbing food and swallowing it whole

then Armando and I went to bed and i slept until work called to chaeck on me
i didnt answer, because i didnt know what to tell them---i have no memory
mother told me a few things that Alan mentioned to her, and that he would call this evening after i had a chance to sleep it off

well he did just call and he was fairly pleased with the results so far
there was only one small polyp in my colon which was biopsied and sent to the lab---it didnt look cancerous so prolly nothing more than a skin tag

the othr side wasnt as pretty
even after drinking all that colyte, my stomach was still frothing with acid and it was red and inflamed, but no gaping hole
alan says i may have had an ulcer and the prevacid has recently healed it
he did take a biopsy of the lining of my stomach to see if there's anything there

also i have an hiatal hernia
he told me not to be overly concerned as many people have this and it can be controlled with meds---at this time it isnt bad enough tho warrant any type of surgery---only if it gets to where i cannot lay down without acid pouring into my throat and keep me from sleeping

anyway now i have to take double prevacid for at least the next couple of weeks to see if that solves the problem

am i happy?

yes and no

i am so very happy to know it isnt cancer and so happy that i dont have to have surgery
but....what next if the stomach/abdominal problems continue???

slow down, stop and smell the roses, he tells me
its your type A personality, stress, etc etc

lab results on the biopsies will hopefully be in when i go in next tuesday for followup
i have a slight cough from the tube down my throat, but no problems below(hush pebbles!)

LMR while its already clean!

thanks to everyone for their well wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts
love ya

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