
Tuesday, November 23, 2004

i have two updates

first, I have a Realtor!!!!!! her name is susan and she is originally from california

second, i went to the surgeon today
i am scheduled for surgery next tuesday, 11/30/04 @ 6 a.m.
i went thru the preadmitting process today, which included a urine sample, blood samples, an EKG and a chest xray
AND i signed my name like 10,000 times...i spelled it right every time too
next time i think i'll spell it wrong just to see if anyone notices

Monday, November 22, 2004

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited right now that i had to tell you all that i am going to finally, at age 41, buy a house!!!!!!!!!!

i have been renting this lil cottage in the historic district since 1991
until this year i had cheapcheap rent but for some reason my landlord raised it
oh well they can lmrc
anyway, i called my lil brother, jamie, who is an allstate agent and making the big bucks, and asked him where to start, having never done this before
he gave me the name of a mortgage broker who just called me and told me i can qualify for any kind of loan out there, to start looking for my house!!!!!yay!!!!!

next i need a good realtor
i've been checking out the listings here in town @ http://www.realtor.com and also at http://www.hfguide.com/index.cfm?action=adlist&pubid=23
all i know is that this is gonna take a while but i am hyped!

feel free to offer financial aid or advice
either would be appreciated

Saturday, November 20, 2004

i called alan's nurse monday and told her to tell him i'd decided to have the surgery to repair my umbilical hernia
wednesday i had a message that it had been set up with dr. r
upon discussing all this with my family, my sister freaks out telling me to call them back and ask for a different surgeon, that htis guy has a bad rep
i of course wavered, thinking alan wouldnt send me to someone that sucked
then i decided to call and request a particular doctor with a fabulous rep, dr. m
this way christi wont worry and i wont be as nervous when they are putting me under, womdering if i'll wake up with my appendix out instead of my innie back

the appt with the surgeon is tyesday, after which i will post when my surgery is scheduled
send massaging thoughts
(not there stanley!)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

These were sent to me in an email...if they are copywrited i apologize, please dont sue my ass

Medical Treatment Today

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Friday I was appalled at the lesson being taught to the fourth graders in their language class
it was a lesson on comparisons and superlatives
-er,-est, more, most
the teacher started out with an activity using words and word parts on index cards
the students had to combine their card with another students to make a comparison and use it in a sentence
for example, the student with "slow" combined with the student that had"-er" for slower and made a sentence like "you are slower than me"

later in the lesson the teacher taught the children to use more and most and that is where she screwed up

she taught them to use more and most in conjunction with words ending in -er and -est
for example she corrected a child that said "I am stronger than you" to say "I am more stronger than you" and "I am the most strongest in the class"
I kept waiting for her to go back and correct herself or to do something to show that this was all part of some larger scheme to show the children that you use one or the other(most strong or strongest but not most strongest) but she never did

I was already sick to my stomach from the hernia(but maybe I also have a tummy virus) but this exhibition of stupidity was just too much
what do I do?
do I tell the principal that her star fourth grade teacher doesn't know her content?
I have to work in the classroom and team teach with this woman every day
but the kids have to pass the LEAP to get to 5th grade (No Child Left Behind)

if I try to correct MS (the teacher) she will get pissed
if I try to give a "just between us" heads up to BD, she'll tell MS what I said
its a no win for me
but I have to do something
this same teacher has trouble differentiating between adjectives and adverbs

other days she is brilliant and has a great rapport with her students and few to zero discipline problems

I hate situations like these

Thursday, November 11, 2004

i never related what happened at the meeting tuesday with BD
she actually managed to sound intelligent and caring and thankful for all our hard work
she admitted that sometimes she came across as a bitch--she actually said that
of course, nothing was resolved---in that sense it was a waste of time
i gave her her laurels and told her she did good by offering us much needed praise
she smiled really big and said thank you
the lexapro is working again

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

yes, it's true
i have an umbilical hernia
the only fix is surgery
due to my emphysema, my doctor is reluctant to allow surgery because of my high risk of complications---unless it gets worse---redness, fever, vomiting---or if i just cant adjust to it

he pushed it back in, but by the time i got home it had popped back out
alan said it isnt actually intestine, but fat
regardless, it is possible it could become strangulated, but not really likely
if it recedes and it is only going to be a problem say a week every few years, i can live with it
if it is constant forever i cant

he told me to wait till monday to decide if i want the surgery and call him
he also told me to keep pushing it firmly back in but i cant
try firmly soving your belly button in and then consider that it exremely tender so mulitply by oh say a zillion

take advil or aleve he says
i say lmrc bitch

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

my inny has become an outie
what's up with that?
it's tender and i dont even like my shirt touching it
anyone else ever experience this
i'm guessing hernia
doctor tomorrow am
hope i'm wrong

Monday, November 08, 2004

tomorrow BD wants to meet with the inclusion teachers to discuss "concerns"
lol people from above are starting to question her setup
seems she isnt following the law
hmmmm, i do believe we told her that in the beginning, but i bet she claims we never said a word
i've invited my program facilitator to attend the meeting
she's gonna spit nails

BD was overheard telling a teacher that her comment was rude and from now on she isnt gonna just let us say any old thing to her; she's gonna respond in kind
omg, the bitch thinks she's been being too nice !!!!!

i am now up to 20 mg of lexapro daily and i can again see the humor in it all
but i still hate her
no amount of any drug could change that, not even heroin

Saturday, November 06, 2004


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