Wednesday, November 10, 2004
yes, it's true
i have an umbilical hernia
the only fix is surgery
due to my emphysema, my doctor is reluctant to allow surgery because of my high risk of complications---unless it gets worse---redness, fever, vomiting---or if i just cant adjust to it
he pushed it back in, but by the time i got home it had popped back out
alan said it isnt actually intestine, but fat
regardless, it is possible it could become strangulated, but not really likely
if it recedes and it is only going to be a problem say a week every few years, i can live with it
if it is constant forever i cant
he told me to wait till monday to decide if i want the surgery and call him
he also told me to keep pushing it firmly back in but i cant
try firmly soving your belly button in and then consider that it exremely tender so mulitply by oh say a zillion
take advil or aleve he says
i say lmrc bitch
i have an umbilical hernia
the only fix is surgery
due to my emphysema, my doctor is reluctant to allow surgery because of my high risk of complications---unless it gets worse---redness, fever, vomiting---or if i just cant adjust to it
he pushed it back in, but by the time i got home it had popped back out
alan said it isnt actually intestine, but fat
regardless, it is possible it could become strangulated, but not really likely
if it recedes and it is only going to be a problem say a week every few years, i can live with it
if it is constant forever i cant
he told me to wait till monday to decide if i want the surgery and call him
he also told me to keep pushing it firmly back in but i cant
try firmly soving your belly button in and then consider that it exremely tender so mulitply by oh say a zillion
take advil or aleve he says
i say lmrc bitch