Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Monday, March 29, 2004
i think i need to up my dosage on my meds
this week i am attending professional development conferences to learn the comprehension strand of project read(you can learn more here if you so desire)
anyway, we are doing an activity and the lil story that we had read talks about some sticky liquid (from a snail) and she says, "what should I do with the sticky liquid?" meaning where should it go in the comprehension chart, but i lean over and whisper "i'd swallow it..." and then she burst out laughing really loud-----heeheehee, i almost felt gay
this week i am attending professional development conferences to learn the comprehension strand of project read(you can learn more here if you so desire)
anyway, we are doing an activity and the lil story that we had read talks about some sticky liquid (from a snail) and she says, "what should I do with the sticky liquid?" meaning where should it go in the comprehension chart, but i lean over and whisper "i'd swallow it..." and then she burst out laughing really loud-----heeheehee, i almost felt gay
Sunday, March 28, 2004
this is the only pic ive ever seen of dr. bitch rice smiling and i had to search for one
oops here's another!
usually she always has the same expression

oops here's another!
usually she always has the same expression
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
today melodie got home from work and Misty was covered in his kitty litter and the house was beginning to smell oddly
she took him to the vet and was told that was the smell of death
his organs were shutting down and starting to decay
she of course had to have him put down
poor melodie
this has been very difficult for her
keep her in your thoughts
i had my observation today
ms davis was so impressed that she asked if she could come back tomorrow to see the kids work in centers using what they learned today
she added, not as part of your evaluation, i just would love to see part 2 of your lesson
today melodie got home from work and Misty was covered in his kitty litter and the house was beginning to smell oddly
she took him to the vet and was told that was the smell of death
his organs were shutting down and starting to decay
she of course had to have him put down
poor melodie
this has been very difficult for her
keep her in your thoughts
i had my observation today
ms davis was so impressed that she asked if she could come back tomorrow to see the kids work in centers using what they learned today
she added, not as part of your evaluation, i just would love to see part 2 of your lesson
Monday, March 22, 2004
a shout out to all the bitches whores and sluts out there!
which are you?~g
its been a really difficult week or so
everyone send out positive thoughts for Melodie whose 19 year old cat is doing extremely poorly and may need to be euthanized
also, if you have extra good vibes, send me a few as I will be observed tomorrow by the administration for my annual evaluation; no worries really, but I always get a lil nervous
i promise to give a full update soon, mayhaps tomorrow if someone will come by and touch me inappropriately:)
which are you?~g
its been a really difficult week or so
everyone send out positive thoughts for Melodie whose 19 year old cat is doing extremely poorly and may need to be euthanized
also, if you have extra good vibes, send me a few as I will be observed tomorrow by the administration for my annual evaluation; no worries really, but I always get a lil nervous
i promise to give a full update soon, mayhaps tomorrow if someone will come by and touch me inappropriately:)
Friday, March 19, 2004
here's another of those cute emails people like to forward
People over 35 should be dead.
Here's why .
According to today's regulators
and bureaucrats, those of us
who were kids in the 40's,
50's, 60's, or even maybe
the early 70's probably
shouldn't have survived.
Our baby cribs were covered
with bright colored lead-based
We had no childproof lids
on medicine bottles, doors
or cabinets, ... and when we
rode our bikes, we had no
(Not to mention the risks
we took hitchhiking.)
As children, we would ride
in cars with no seatbelts
or air bags.
Riding in the back of a pickup
truck on a warm day was
always a special treat.
We drank water from the
garden hose and not from
a bottle.
We ate cupcakes, bread and
butter, and drank soda pop
with sugar in it, but we were
never overweight because
we were always outside
We shared one soft drink
with four friends, from one
bottle, and no one actually
died from this.
We would spend hours building
our go-carts out of scraps
and then rode down the hill,
only to find out we forgot
the brakes.
After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to
solve the problem.
We would leave home in the
morning and play all day,
as long as we were back
when the street lights
came on.
No one was able to
reach us all day.
We did not have Playstations,
Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no
video games at all, no 99
channels on cable, video
tape movies, surround
sound, personal cell phones,
personal computers, or Internet
chat rooms.
We had friends!
We went outside and found
We played dodge ball, and
sometimes, the ball would
really hurt.
We fell out of trees, got
cut and broke bones and
teeth, and there were no
lawsuits from these accidents.
They were accidents.
No one was to blame but us.
Remember accidents?
We had fights and punched
each other and got black
and blue and learned to get
over it.
We made up games with
sticks and tennis balls and
ate worms, and although we
were told it would happen,
we did not put out very many
eyes, nor did the worms
live inside us forever.
We rode bikes or walked to
a friend's home and knocked
on the door, or rang the
bell or just walked in and
talked to them.
Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to
learn to deal with disappointment.
Some students weren't as
smart as others, so they
failed a grade and were
held ba! ck to repeat the
same grade.
Tests were not adjusted
for any reason.
Our actions were our own.
Consequences were expected.
The idea of a parent bailing
us out if we broke a law
was unheard of.
They actually sided
with the law.
Imagine that!
This generation has produced
some of the best risk-takers
and problem solvers and
inventors, ever.
The past 50 years have
been an explosion of
innovation and new
We had freedom, failure,
success and responsibility,
and we learned how to deal
with it all.
And you're one of them!
........NEVER ALONE.. ...
People over 35 should be dead.
Here's why .
According to today's regulators
and bureaucrats, those of us
who were kids in the 40's,
50's, 60's, or even maybe
the early 70's probably
shouldn't have survived.
Our baby cribs were covered
with bright colored lead-based
We had no childproof lids
on medicine bottles, doors
or cabinets, ... and when we
rode our bikes, we had no
(Not to mention the risks
we took hitchhiking.)
As children, we would ride
in cars with no seatbelts
or air bags.
Riding in the back of a pickup
truck on a warm day was
always a special treat.
We drank water from the
garden hose and not from
a bottle.
We ate cupcakes, bread and
butter, and drank soda pop
with sugar in it, but we were
never overweight because
we were always outside
We shared one soft drink
with four friends, from one
bottle, and no one actually
died from this.
We would spend hours building
our go-carts out of scraps
and then rode down the hill,
only to find out we forgot
the brakes.
After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to
solve the problem.
We would leave home in the
morning and play all day,
as long as we were back
when the street lights
came on.
No one was able to
reach us all day.
We did not have Playstations,
Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no
video games at all, no 99
channels on cable, video
tape movies, surround
sound, personal cell phones,
personal computers, or Internet
chat rooms.
We had friends!
We went outside and found
We played dodge ball, and
sometimes, the ball would
really hurt.
We fell out of trees, got
cut and broke bones and
teeth, and there were no
lawsuits from these accidents.
They were accidents.
No one was to blame but us.
Remember accidents?
We had fights and punched
each other and got black
and blue and learned to get
over it.
We made up games with
sticks and tennis balls and
ate worms, and although we
were told it would happen,
we did not put out very many
eyes, nor did the worms
live inside us forever.
We rode bikes or walked to
a friend's home and knocked
on the door, or rang the
bell or just walked in and
talked to them.
Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to
learn to deal with disappointment.
Some students weren't as
smart as others, so they
failed a grade and were
held ba! ck to repeat the
same grade.
Tests were not adjusted
for any reason.
Our actions were our own.
Consequences were expected.
The idea of a parent bailing
us out if we broke a law
was unheard of.
They actually sided
with the law.
Imagine that!
This generation has produced
some of the best risk-takers
and problem solvers and
inventors, ever.
The past 50 years have
been an explosion of
innovation and new
We had freedom, failure,
success and responsibility,
and we learned how to deal
with it all.
And you're one of them!
........NEVER ALONE.. ...
Monday, March 15, 2004
omg i wanna cigarette
smokers and former smokers know what i mean when i say i have that "its WAY past time for my cigarette break" feeling; not really lightheadedness, but a weird feeling in the brain
it'll be three years april 3rd since my last cigarette
omgomgomg i dont know if i'll make it
if i smoke, it could kill me pretty quickly, but .......
a joint would be soooooooooo cool tooooo
lemme go see what's in the medicine cabinet
LEAP is a real bitch
i'll give yall the lowdown later
i'm exhausted physically and mentally and its only monday
maybe i'll start drinking again
smokers and former smokers know what i mean when i say i have that "its WAY past time for my cigarette break" feeling; not really lightheadedness, but a weird feeling in the brain
it'll be three years april 3rd since my last cigarette
omgomgomg i dont know if i'll make it
if i smoke, it could kill me pretty quickly, but .......
a joint would be soooooooooo cool tooooo
lemme go see what's in the medicine cabinet
LEAP is a real bitch
i'll give yall the lowdown later
i'm exhausted physically and mentally and its only monday
maybe i'll start drinking again
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Melodie's Question
Is Robin Williams gay? She tells me that she saw him on some awards show and that he was there with his lover, and they proclaimed their love for one another. I told her it was prolly just some schtick....
of course my word isnt good enough, she wants to hear from the peanut gallery, so chime in and give her your knowledge(yes jazzy too)
ps. i have added a photo of melodie and her cat misty to my "Friends" photo album
Is Robin Williams gay? She tells me that she saw him on some awards show and that he was there with his lover, and they proclaimed their love for one another. I told her it was prolly just some schtick....
of course my word isnt good enough, she wants to hear from the peanut gallery, so chime in and give her your knowledge(yes jazzy too)
ps. i have added a photo of melodie and her cat misty to my "Friends" photo album
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
just a note
Totally Gay and Totally Gayer are must see TV on VH-1
check your listings for tonite and tomorrow, probably other days--you know how they show things over and over like Bravo and other cable channels
check it out here
also a big lmrc how-do to mary claire who melodie tricked into coming here and then clicking on the lmrc photo album(while at work no less)(heeheehee, mel is such a faghag)
Totally Gay and Totally Gayer are must see TV on VH-1
check your listings for tonite and tomorrow, probably other days--you know how they show things over and over like Bravo and other cable channels
check it out here
also a big lmrc how-do to mary claire who melodie tricked into coming here and then clicking on the lmrc photo album(while at work no less)(heeheehee, mel is such a faghag)
Sunday, March 07, 2004
well, this is the final week before testing and the stress is starting to show
i'm having dreams about work
THAT is unusual for me these days
when i was a waiter i frequently would have dreams about being constantly behind, forgetting that bitch's jalopenos, etc
in fact, although i havent waited on tables for several years, i still occasionally have a 'casa' dream--that comes from the name of one of the restaurants for which i slaved
anyway, LEAP
i know i've whined about it before, so i wont dwell on it much tonite, but .....
i have a doctor appt this week and i know he is gonna ask me if i want to increase my lexapro dosage---i told him last time i wanted to wait till the next appt to let my body finish adjusting blahblahblah well now its the next appt and i still dont know because after this major stress period is over i might not need the extra blahblahblah knowwhutimean?
also, remind me to mention to him that the school board decided to switch our insurance and to ask how it will affect my cross/blue shield has their meds list and it will prolly be different from trustmark's
anyone see the passion of the christ yet?
and the hottie for the week
his site
i'm having dreams about work
THAT is unusual for me these days
when i was a waiter i frequently would have dreams about being constantly behind, forgetting that bitch's jalopenos, etc
in fact, although i havent waited on tables for several years, i still occasionally have a 'casa' dream--that comes from the name of one of the restaurants for which i slaved
anyway, LEAP
i know i've whined about it before, so i wont dwell on it much tonite, but .....
i have a doctor appt this week and i know he is gonna ask me if i want to increase my lexapro dosage---i told him last time i wanted to wait till the next appt to let my body finish adjusting blahblahblah well now its the next appt and i still dont know because after this major stress period is over i might not need the extra blahblahblah knowwhutimean?
also, remind me to mention to him that the school board decided to switch our insurance and to ask how it will affect my cross/blue shield has their meds list and it will prolly be different from trustmark's
anyone see the passion of the christ yet?
and the hottie for the week
his site
Friday, March 05, 2004
a little more preaching to the choir and notice where it's from!
oh someone is gonna pay for the wrong being done against martha
remember the salad scene?
maybe it will end like this
remember the salad scene?
maybe it will end like this