Sunday, March 07, 2004
well, this is the final week before testing and the stress is starting to show
i'm having dreams about work
THAT is unusual for me these days
when i was a waiter i frequently would have dreams about being constantly behind, forgetting that bitch's jalopenos, etc
in fact, although i havent waited on tables for several years, i still occasionally have a 'casa' dream--that comes from the name of one of the restaurants for which i slaved
anyway, LEAP
i know i've whined about it before, so i wont dwell on it much tonite, but .....
i have a doctor appt this week and i know he is gonna ask me if i want to increase my lexapro dosage---i told him last time i wanted to wait till the next appt to let my body finish adjusting blahblahblah well now its the next appt and i still dont know because after this major stress period is over i might not need the extra blahblahblah knowwhutimean?
also, remind me to mention to him that the school board decided to switch our insurance and to ask how it will affect my cross/blue shield has their meds list and it will prolly be different from trustmark's
anyone see the passion of the christ yet?
and the hottie for the week
his site
i'm having dreams about work
THAT is unusual for me these days
when i was a waiter i frequently would have dreams about being constantly behind, forgetting that bitch's jalopenos, etc
in fact, although i havent waited on tables for several years, i still occasionally have a 'casa' dream--that comes from the name of one of the restaurants for which i slaved
anyway, LEAP
i know i've whined about it before, so i wont dwell on it much tonite, but .....
i have a doctor appt this week and i know he is gonna ask me if i want to increase my lexapro dosage---i told him last time i wanted to wait till the next appt to let my body finish adjusting blahblahblah well now its the next appt and i still dont know because after this major stress period is over i might not need the extra blahblahblah knowwhutimean?
also, remind me to mention to him that the school board decided to switch our insurance and to ask how it will affect my cross/blue shield has their meds list and it will prolly be different from trustmark's
anyone see the passion of the christ yet?
and the hottie for the week

his site