Sunday, November 06, 2005
pissing me off.....
fema; i supposedly qualified for the $2000 expedited relief but it never came
nagin: his bigotry against hispanic people
students: their resistance to all learning
allstate: still waiting for my claim to go thru so i can get my roof replaced; the rainy
season is coming and although i have a blue tarp on my roof, there are still a couple of
places where water is coming in
worried about.....
rob2 in Indiana
where the money will come from to make all the necessary repairs if insurance doesnt
cover it all
2 of my meds are pooping out
happy about....
i qualified for disaster food stamps to replace all my food that was lost
getting sex drive back, but no one to share it with kinda sux
life kinda being normal, but still a long way to go
my babies are surrounding me all ready to give kisses
fema; i supposedly qualified for the $2000 expedited relief but it never came
nagin: his bigotry against hispanic people
students: their resistance to all learning
allstate: still waiting for my claim to go thru so i can get my roof replaced; the rainy
season is coming and although i have a blue tarp on my roof, there are still a couple of
places where water is coming in
worried about.....
rob2 in Indiana
where the money will come from to make all the necessary repairs if insurance doesnt
cover it all
2 of my meds are pooping out
happy about....
i qualified for disaster food stamps to replace all my food that was lost
getting sex drive back, but no one to share it with kinda sux
life kinda being normal, but still a long way to go
my babies are surrounding me all ready to give kisses