Sunday, November 13, 2005
i have been sick (almost said "as a dog" but wonder where that saying comes from and if dogs get sicker than people--i dont think they do-note to self to research this) i dont know if its a cold or really bad allergies
this time of year is ragweed season
plus since rita hit the plants are all in some kinda weird shock--trees that bloom in spring are blooming now, etc which adds to everyone's misery
i refuse to go to the doctor unless i get so sick i cant work because last time(in september) he made me take a week off and i cant spare the sick days
i have been trudging along, going to work etc but i havent been happy or pleasant to be around
and parents of bad kiddies have been getting call after call and they can lmrc
this week on tv i am anxious to see who gets killed off on las vegas and again on lost
they better not kill anyone that has a nice chest! i mean men of course
kill the the big busted bitches!
this time of year is ragweed season
plus since rita hit the plants are all in some kinda weird shock--trees that bloom in spring are blooming now, etc which adds to everyone's misery
i refuse to go to the doctor unless i get so sick i cant work because last time(in september) he made me take a week off and i cant spare the sick days
i have been trudging along, going to work etc but i havent been happy or pleasant to be around
and parents of bad kiddies have been getting call after call and they can lmrc
this week on tv i am anxious to see who gets killed off on las vegas and again on lost
they better not kill anyone that has a nice chest! i mean men of course
kill the the big busted bitches!