
Thursday, October 06, 2005

i wish i were one of those people that would describe all of this as an adventure
although each day brings discernible improvement, life is still difficult
more for some than others
all of my utilities are now working, and city water is now safe to drink
there is still a burn ban parishwide
the curfew is still 7 pm til 6 am for pedestrians, but vehicles are now exempt
you may still be subject to being stopped and questioned
fines for breaking curfew are $500 and/or 6 months in jail
looting was never as bad as in new orleans but of course no community is bereft of crime
signal lights began coming on as the flow of electricity spread, although many are broken or missing and still need repair and replacing
many businesses are starting to reopen
gas lines are shorter as more stations open
the first days after rita had people waiting in line for 4 hours for gas
we no longer have to wait in line to entire the stores that are open--only a few were admitted at a time
there are still trees down everywhere, but main streets are clear and most streets are passable in at least one lane
persons in need of phone line repair are being told by bellsouth it will be november before their service is restored
we are still waiting for the red cross--this is a BIG complaint in the area
all the money we raised here for katrina---where is the help for our area
and why isnt there anything on the national news about our plight?
and cameron parish, our sister parish to our south that is on the coast is destroyed beyond all recognition, yet i see nothing online or on tv
eastern texas was also kicked in the groin
beaumont, port arthur, orange, to name a few cities there
nothing in the media
perhaps there was before i regained power, but the news is only about katrina
we dont even get a 15 second blurb
whine whine whine

anyway had to get that out of my system
yesterday i finished clearing my yard of debris
it is amazing how much was in my backyard

no word yet from fema inspectors or insurance claim adjustors, but i would hazard a guess that they are visiting those that have complete losses and major damage first

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