Friday, June 10, 2005

picture from
text from Why Do Men Have Nipples? by Marl Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D.
"Is sperm nutritious?or fattening?"
You are what you eat. In this case, it is somewhat true as sperm contains important genetic material. But sperm is not particularly nutritious or fattening. The average ejaculate, about 1 teaspoon, contains between 200 and 300 million sperm. Total calories: about 5. These calories are derived from proteins(including enzymes) and sugars (mainly fructose) secreted into semen by the prostate gland to provide the sperm with the energy to swim.
Other good stuff found in semen incldes water, vitamin c, citric acid, phosphate, bicarbonates, zinc, and prostaglandins.
so indulge my friends
have as much as you like
the doctor says its neither good nor bad for you
(of course this doesnt address the possibilities of std's, but that's a whole other issue)