Thursday, February 10, 2005
ken made me really stop and think about whether i really wanted 702 gulf st or if i was just tired of the chase and wanting to just hurry up and be a homeowner
i AM tired of the looking and all that goes with it
702 gulf may not have the curb appeal of some of the houses i've seen, but it is a cute house and it does meet all my criteria
it is on a slab, it's brick, it has central air and heat, and it isnt in a flood zone of any kind
its more than 1200 squre feet and has at least 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, and covered parking
those were my major wants
other criteria i wanted but would have compromised on that this home has are:
already fenced back yard, attached covered parking, gas appliances, refrigerator, inside laundry room, ceiling fans, in Lake Charles, an out building for storage of lawn equipment---this one even has electricity--lights and outlets---fancy,huh?, and driveway is paved
actually, this was the very first house my realtor had ever shown me back in november
but since it was first and there were so many to see, and i didnt have anything to compare it to--AND at the time i was really favoring moving to the Sulphur area to use it as an excuse to ask for a transfer to get away from BD---then when i looked back this one had gone under contract, but that deal fell through and it just came back on the market and i asked to see it again, because i couldnt remember details---and when we saw it again, i was like--why didnt i like this house before?????
once i went under contract with it i began to worry about why the previous deal fell thru on it
was there something major wrong with the house or did their financing not go thru???
well that's the $300 question that the inspection answered
no major problems--lots of piddly shit
tomorrow i will meet with my realtor to fill out the paperwork requesting that the seller make repairs on some of the problems and sign off on ones i feel i can deal with myself---and dante will be unhappy to note their is a slight decline in the dining room floor---but i have learned that no house in my budget is perfect
anyway, the only thing that would really sour the milk on this deal is if the house were to not appraise for the asking price and the seller refuse to come down in price and screw up my financing---but if they want to sell they'll have to; few people are going to pay more for a house than it's appraised value
things are looking good and i am starting to let myself get excited
i've been stoic about it till the inspection after the last fiasco with the house on Hickok that had major problems and i had to back away
daddy went to look at the outside today to see what kind of daddy-do's he faces as far as the exterior is concerned. LOL
i AM tired of the looking and all that goes with it
702 gulf may not have the curb appeal of some of the houses i've seen, but it is a cute house and it does meet all my criteria
it is on a slab, it's brick, it has central air and heat, and it isnt in a flood zone of any kind
its more than 1200 squre feet and has at least 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, and covered parking
those were my major wants
other criteria i wanted but would have compromised on that this home has are:
already fenced back yard, attached covered parking, gas appliances, refrigerator, inside laundry room, ceiling fans, in Lake Charles, an out building for storage of lawn equipment---this one even has electricity--lights and outlets---fancy,huh?, and driveway is paved
actually, this was the very first house my realtor had ever shown me back in november
but since it was first and there were so many to see, and i didnt have anything to compare it to--AND at the time i was really favoring moving to the Sulphur area to use it as an excuse to ask for a transfer to get away from BD---then when i looked back this one had gone under contract, but that deal fell through and it just came back on the market and i asked to see it again, because i couldnt remember details---and when we saw it again, i was like--why didnt i like this house before?????
once i went under contract with it i began to worry about why the previous deal fell thru on it
was there something major wrong with the house or did their financing not go thru???
well that's the $300 question that the inspection answered
no major problems--lots of piddly shit
tomorrow i will meet with my realtor to fill out the paperwork requesting that the seller make repairs on some of the problems and sign off on ones i feel i can deal with myself---and dante will be unhappy to note their is a slight decline in the dining room floor---but i have learned that no house in my budget is perfect
anyway, the only thing that would really sour the milk on this deal is if the house were to not appraise for the asking price and the seller refuse to come down in price and screw up my financing---but if they want to sell they'll have to; few people are going to pay more for a house than it's appraised value
things are looking good and i am starting to let myself get excited
i've been stoic about it till the inspection after the last fiasco with the house on Hickok that had major problems and i had to back away
daddy went to look at the outside today to see what kind of daddy-do's he faces as far as the exterior is concerned. LOL