Tuesday, August 10, 2004

today was my visit to the otolaryngologist
these things(doctor visits) never seem to go as i expect
here i think i am gonna be told that tubes are in my ears' futures
but, i was wrong
no fluid in them thar ears
the ear drums look fine
had my hearing checked too
everything was within normal parameters
you know when something is frelling wrong but there arent any answers, it really sucks
doc williams is the best otolaryngologist in town, so i trust him
he thinks my problem may be twofold
intermittent fluid inears/possible infections, BUT mostly.....
TMJ syndrome
he put his fingers below my ears where the mandibular joint is and had me swallow and it hurt
this along with the fact that advil and aleve seem to help, but not tylenol, AND the fact that my jaw isnt exactly aligned right, plus my admitting that i do habitually grind my teeth leads him to this conclusion
the pain is actually in the jaw but i feel it in my ears
his suggestions when i have these flareups(HUH???its been hurting for 6 months dude) eat a soft diet, take the aleve/advil, avoid clenching/grinding(yeah, right) , heating pad for 20-30 minutes per side; also talk to dentist about a splint---i am already scheduled for an appt on the 24th, so i'll discuss it with my dentist then
anyone else have this problem?