Wednesday, August 04, 2004

and as a Taurean, I abhor change
my best buddies at work are all transferring to other schools
many people say that change is good; change sucks
today my bestest friend at work found out she got the transfer she requested and that makes seven that I know of that will not be back, among them 3 that really upset me; maybe I should have requested a transfer too
on my hall I am the only person returning!!!
the entire 5th grade will be new teachers, and I don't just mean new to our school, I mean 1st year teachers!! it should be interesting......
today I bought a compact refrigerator and a microwave for my classroom; I am so tired of cleaning up after other people, now I only have to clean up after myself; the final straw was when I opened the refrigerator in the lounge nearest me(our school has 3) and there were roaches nesting in the (rotting) rubber seal around the door!!!!ewwwwwww! even with a new seal on the door, I could never ever put my lunch in there again!
I am still not finished getting my room ready; hopefully i'll finish tomorrow!!!! I bought all new stuff for the bulletin boards and walls; it should look faboo once i'm done!