Thursday, July 22, 2004

i have been totally miserable lately
my ears have been bothering me for most of 2004
i go to the doctor every 3 months because of my emphysema, and i keep a medical journal that i carry with me to the doctor that lists all y concerns and questions and i write down everything he advises, etc----i tell you this so that you understand that when i say that i have been suffering for more than six months it isnt a guess
anyway, the point of all this is that my doctor has had me on a regimen of zyrtec and nasacort since march and this has not cleared up and i am tired of the pain
yes i have been alternating aleve and advil for the pain, but this has been going on long enough
alan is sending me to an otolaryngologist(earnosethroat); i am hoping that we can get tubes put in without having to go through another 6 months of pain while we try a different regimen; alan is sending this doc a note---he went to high school and medical with the man and hopefully we can skip the "i know better than a gp" crap and get this done
i am such a wuss; i want to be put under for the procedure like kids; adults usually only get a local, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
anyway, my appt with the ENT isnt until august 10, which is 2 days before i return to work, so if he agrees to do the tubes, it wont be until after school starts