
Thursday, July 29, 2004

for you silly queens that dont get the FTB message board emails, this came today.... 

TOP TO BOTTOM? IS LIVE!!!Intrigue! Comedy! Murder! Religion! Rampant Sex!Introducing TOPTOBOTTOM.ORG, the latest and greatest comic strip to hit the Internet. Follow the daily trials and tribulations of the comically tumultuous lives  of the oh-so-sexy residents of the Boulevard "the ultra-gay quarter of the sleepy mountain town of Toluca Lake" where two rival gay nightclubs vie for popularity and the best rump-shaker contest on the block. Get mired in the melodrama! Drown in the horrendous humor!! Gasp at each shockingly delicious plot twist!!!This comic promises something for everyone. Not all that fond of gay men?  Never fear, for the story begins with some not-very-nice things happening to a few of t= he main characters that would delight even the staunchest homophobe. Think there's a lack of hot women? Not to worry, there's a whole army of sexy babes just waiting to spread their estrogen throughout the Boulevard in the upcoming weeks. Afraid there's a  dire lack of heterosexual representation? Perish the thought, for there are some mucho  macho straight men about to blow into town and cause trouble for everyone! I can't tell you more though, you'll just have to read every exciting and bizarre twist and turn  for yourself. The first episode, A Tale of Two Nightclubs, is already available on the website for you to read and enjoy, designed to introduce you to the main characters and landscape of the Boulevard. Use the Episode Guide and the buttons beneath the comics to easily navigate through the site. Then jump right into the story each weekday hereafter. The start of Episode Two: Six Inches Under is just a click away.If you like what you see, be sure to join the mailing list to receive Top to Bottom in your e-mail every day!And please feel free to forward the link and/or this e-mail to any friends, family, or church groups that you think might be interested in this already infamous and highly contagious comic!Enjoy! TOPTOBOTTOM.ORG

here's a link  http://toptobottom.org/

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