Friday, July 30, 2004

another moral quandary
for quite some time now, i have had a family of rats living in the roof/ceiling of my detached garage; actually, until just recently, i thought it was squirrels(which really are tree rats)
but recently i have been seeing the lil critters and they are definitly brown rats(norway rats)
i feel uncomfortable now, worring that they will come in the house; on the other hand this mother rat has been using the garage as her home for many years now and i just thought she was something else; perhaps they are more in the open now because sweet Tigger Roo has passed away and they arent as afraid
of course yorkies are ratters too
Tessie frequently brings in dead baby birds (icky) that i have to dispose of
the smell of dog should hopefully deter them from moving into the house
anyway, once i realized it was rats, i started thinking i really should dispose of them somehow
see this link
i really dont want to poison them or use traps that would kill them, as then i would have to touch them/see them/dispose of their remains, but mostly i would feel guilty because they arent hurting me or anything, just trying to live their little lives; "do no harm" kind of rings in my ears
what do you think????what would you do?