
Sunday, June 27, 2004

today is the first day with no rain in some time
i was gonna say first dry day, but that just wouldnt be accurate
the yard is swampy and all ready for its own alligator or some turtles and a mayhaps a pelican or three; i know many people think that everyone in louisiana lives in a swamp and gets to work by pirogue and rassles gators for fun; well, it isnt true, except for maybe the rasslin part, but only with horny bois dressed like gators

the sun was shining today---whoooo--hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!yeeehaaaaa!!!and all that redneck kinda noise.....
i showed the babies that the sun was out and told them they could go outside
they went to the door and looked around and then went back to bed;lazy bitches, getchasses outside so i can clean dammit!
poor lil things have been trapped inside except for quick runs outside to pee or poop and then running back in and shaking themselves dry and laying pitifully around; now they dont remember how to chase bugs and roll in smelly spots and crunch on stix and leaves---jj may need to stop by and romp with them

i read in his blog that he wormed his way out of attending a KISS concert
i bet HE isnt in the doghouse for not going; C & B are prolly still talking to HIM

anywho, i am off topic
hmmm what was the topic
i dont think i really had one
i think i may go shopping
Bed Bath and Beyond is my new fave money-absorber
maybe chat tonight???durly's anyone?
and what exactly IS wrong with chrisco?
and what is this about durly moving?
and where the hell has stanley disappeared to?
and and and i feel kinda outta the loop.....

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