Wednesday, June 16, 2004

oh the joys of living in old houses
the charm, the style, the history, the frayed wiring, the rusted pipes
well, since i am on "vacation" i was "spring cleaning" and when just finishing mopping the entire house, i hear a loud clanging from under the house and---yep, burst pipe
i turn off the water and call the landlord who comes by and looks under the house, but he decides it is something best dealt with by a professional
ever try to get a plumber on a sunday???
they dont even answer their phones
but at about 8 pm, my landlord phones and tells me that a mr harrington will call in the morning to set up a time, and since the pipe was a hot water pipe, i at least have cold water(after turning off the valve on top of the water heater, i was able to turn the water main back on)
after all that house cleaning, i needed a shower;brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
the last time i took a cold shower was when i was in el salvador in '98 for 3 weeks
no one in el salvador has hot water, except perhaps the american embassy and the fancy hotels; i was staying with manuel at his mother's; we didnt even have running water every day and on the days we did it was only for a couple of hours
anyway, i digress
where was i?
oh yes, the plumber
what a prick
and i say that in the sweetest way i can---while shoving my middle finger repeatedly into the air!
monday morning, i get up early, thinking that if he is like my father(a painter) he'll be up and working by 7
well, i wait
and wait
and wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait
around eleven, the landlady calls to see if i've heard from the man yet
well lets give him a lil more time before we call someone else
after lunch, the landlord calls and is surprised i havent been contacted yet, and says he will call the man-----apparently he had told the landlord that he had an appt with a contractor first and if that didnt pan out he would come straight to my house
well, apparently the big job panned out
well, i lay down to take a nap and i'll be damn if as soon as i fall asleep the asshole calls and wakes me up
"i couldnt find the paper i'd written your number on"
"i'll be there shortly--i just have one little thing to do first"
i get up and wait
and wait
and wait and wait and wait
boy was i pissed off!!!!
who says i'll be there shortly and then makes you wait for 3 hours????
by the time he got here it was almost 6pm, and he didnt even have the decency to be attractive
but he crawled under the house and after much banging and clanging, i again had hot water
and what a nice long shower it was!