Wednesday, June 23, 2004

it distresses me to see so many of my former students end up in jail
really, i should quit reading that portion of the paper
today there were two
one of them was from my first year as a teacher, stella
stella is now 27 years old and was found guilty of one count of theft over $500 and other charges including possession of cocaine with intent to distribute were dropped
she was sentenced to a year in prison
stella was one of my favorite students of all time
i also taught both of her sisters
i'm sure this is especially troubling to her family since her mother passed away earlier this year(i should stop reading the obits page too)
is there more that i could do to shape these young lives while they are in my care?
i tell myself that i do all i can, all i know how....
it's why we keep going to more training to try to do more and to do better
sometimes, though, it just breaks your heart