Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Born Blonde?
Melodie calls me upset, crying
Mistletoe has been run over
Mel lives in the Carriage House of a mansion located on a 4 lane, major street in town which is actually part of Hwy 90, known as Broad Street here in town---and if you arent aware, she is an Animal Angel, which is a group of people that cares for strays and other unwanted animals; she not only feeds them, but makes sure they are all spay/neutered and takes care of other veterinary needs-----in more common terminolgy, she is one of those people with a dozen cats; some are so wild they cant be approached, except maybe by Mel
anywho, back to our story
mel, crying and upset
she has run out into the highway and picked up the mangled bloody remains of this squashed roadkill(sorry mel) and is rushing it to the vet when she calls me(btw, she is in uniform and on her way to work when she discovers the deed)
the vet assures her the cat is actually dead and mel rushes to get to work, nearly hysterical, as this is not the first loss she has suffered recently---her 19 year old companion, Misty passed away just recently
she just cant understand what he was doing in the street; he never went there. always preferring the quieter realms to the south, behind the manse
well the more she thought about it the more she wondered if this cat was one of "hers"
she goes back to the vet and asks if the cat had a notch in the ear(signifying that it was a cared-for animal by an Animal Angel, so that animal control wouldnt pick it up)
no notch
well, was it fixed?
no it has its testicles and the vet assures mel that they cant grow back(omg)
so mel goes back and carefully checks over the mangled remains and determines it isnt mistletoe
she rushes home and searches, and amongst the multitudes of wild and semiwilds, is the tame and loving mistletoe (who is no longer allowed outside)
melodie DARES to compare this to my mistaken belief that Tigger(now really deceased) had died after I accidentally ran over her a few years back
i actually felt the thump/bump as i backed out the driveway and saw the poor dear run like a rabbit under the neighbor's house; after that i didnt see her for a good 10 days; i figured that she had run off and died from her injuries; i gave away her food, toys, advantage
then i see the bitch is living down the street, limping but alive
she thought i ran her down on purpose!!!!
poor tigger
anyway, i tempted her home with a can of tuna and all was well
the vet said she had some torn ligaments and needed a VERY expensive surgery to repair them but could live just fine with the limp(he swore it couldnt heal by itself------it f'ing did!!!in about 6 months, no more limp and no surgery thank you very much)
anyway, the two situations are nowhere near comparable
i didnt pick her up and bring her bloody corpse to the vet and then realize it was a mistaken identity
my roots are dark (hmmm that brings up an interesting image from a porn mag, but i digress)
who's the couyon(sp?)? me or mel?