
Thursday, May 13, 2004

I had gotten home from work right before a major storm hit and immediately noticed Tigger hadn't eaten her food from this morning---the fact that it was there was a total shock since there are so many strays about, usually if Tigger isnt in the mood for what I put out for her, it still usually gets eaten.

I wasn't worried. She's old and sometimes goes for a few days without eating for whatever reason

i rushed the dogs outside so they could go poop bnefore the storm hit---it was dark and scary looking, so I knew it would pour any sec
they acted like they didnt wanna go out so i went out and started walking the fence-line expecting them to follow, which they did, but that was when I noticed an odd something on the other side of the fence, in the side yard near the front of the house

i immediately knew

i ran to her crying

poor baby

i turned her over to see if she was mauled, or had been hit by a car or for some sign of whywhywhy

poor baby

yes this is the same cat i have ranted about a called abitch
she was a bitch, but she was still my baby

i put her in a plastic bag and put her in the garage because by then it was raining--hard

there was a short period later when it was just sprinkling, so i went out and dug a grave---it was harder to do than i thought; twice i had to use my emergency inhaler; but the rain held off until i was putting the last shovel of dirt back in place; thank you god

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