Tuesday, February 24, 2004
yes, this week i am on holiday lundi gras, mardi gras, and ash wednesday
it's totally outside my ability to comprehend that the rest of the country is working this week
however, yall get days off that we dont like memorial day, veterans day, presidents day, columbus day
how am i spending my holiday?
partying, drinking, eating abundantly?
well yes on the eating, but the rest i'm afraid is a no, sorry, i'm over it
over the weekend i did major yardwork, trimming hedges, mowing, weedeating, raking, pruning trees
yesterday and today is housework, but not spring cleaning---i do that in june lol
last nite i finished up two IEPs
i had sworn i wasnt going to do any ANY schoolwork this long wekend, but it just couldnt be helped
i have bitten my tongue not wanting to bitch about my work load because sometimes i feel like i overdo the complaining but the situation at jj's has made me remember what i started this blog for was a place to vent and get it all out so that i'm not smoldering and repressing and holding in all those things that cause me anxiety and depression---and to share with all that want to know what's up and to point out things of interest that i find or see, but mainly to get out the gook that clogs my aura
anyway, these last few weeks i have gotten seven new students
my caseload has gone from 21 to 28
i went to the other teachers and asked if they have been getting new kids
the responses were: no, no, and 1
did i crawl up my facilitators ass???
you betcha
his response was "i dont make placement decisions"
i shit a brick
"frankie, you are either lying today or you were lying in the past when you spoke about 'your decsions' and 'you and ollie(the supervisor) deciding"
the poor man avoids me as much as he can anymore, but i told him that i'm now past my max and he better get another teacher in here
of course he doesnt make those decisions and i know that---we went thru this last year too
i went to BD and told her to request a new teacher and/or an aide for me
she was of course negative--"you know its too late in the year, they wont give us either"
my response---request anyway!!!!!! if you dont ask you for sure will not get
she is totally on my shit list right now
not because of this but wait till you hear this....
when i was out from work for that entire week earlier this month, i went to the doctor and he gave me a docotr's note asking that i be moved to a ground floor classroom as it is difficult for me to go up and down the stairs constantly every day with emphysema (i have to transport my students back and forth from their regular classes to mine)
instead of moving classrooms--i really like mine---i preferred to have permission to transport my students in the elevator--and only when i was having an exacerbation, not everyday
of course this just would not do
i can use the elevator when i am not transporting kids but not with kids(i already do this)
she doesnt want to "open that can of worms"
well, then she says if i give her that note she will have no choice but to move me and the only 2 places i can choose from are the "conference room"(glorified closet, which is being used for storing old computers right now), or a tiny classroom in the new building which would have me in and out of the cold weather now, the hot in the rest of the year and the rain all the time---neithre are acceptable
there are empty classrooms in the building
if push comes to shove and i have more frequent exacerbations i will be forced to give her the note but with the understanding that if she puts me in either spot i will have to sue her as i AM covered by ADA-americans with disabilities act
i am averse to doing that right now for two reasons
first, as i mentioned, i really like like where i am now
i have a suite of rooms that i call mine that are all interconnecting--my room, an empty rom used for storing unused furniture, a connecting bookroom on the other side of me that i can use for my own storage as well, and through there to the upstairs lounge and teacher's restroom
second, BD mostly leaves me alone and actually speaks well of me to others, which is not her style
if i rock the boat, i will face rougher times and i dont wanna
mostly its the first reason, as i can handle myself pretty well and am not scared of anything she can dish out
and have i mentioned how much i hate the shrub??????????
more on that bastard later
it's totally outside my ability to comprehend that the rest of the country is working this week
however, yall get days off that we dont like memorial day, veterans day, presidents day, columbus day
how am i spending my holiday?
partying, drinking, eating abundantly?
well yes on the eating, but the rest i'm afraid is a no, sorry, i'm over it
over the weekend i did major yardwork, trimming hedges, mowing, weedeating, raking, pruning trees
yesterday and today is housework, but not spring cleaning---i do that in june lol
last nite i finished up two IEPs
i had sworn i wasnt going to do any ANY schoolwork this long wekend, but it just couldnt be helped
i have bitten my tongue not wanting to bitch about my work load because sometimes i feel like i overdo the complaining but the situation at jj's has made me remember what i started this blog for was a place to vent and get it all out so that i'm not smoldering and repressing and holding in all those things that cause me anxiety and depression---and to share with all that want to know what's up and to point out things of interest that i find or see, but mainly to get out the gook that clogs my aura
anyway, these last few weeks i have gotten seven new students
my caseload has gone from 21 to 28
i went to the other teachers and asked if they have been getting new kids
the responses were: no, no, and 1
did i crawl up my facilitators ass???
you betcha
his response was "i dont make placement decisions"
i shit a brick
"frankie, you are either lying today or you were lying in the past when you spoke about 'your decsions' and 'you and ollie(the supervisor) deciding"
the poor man avoids me as much as he can anymore, but i told him that i'm now past my max and he better get another teacher in here
of course he doesnt make those decisions and i know that---we went thru this last year too
i went to BD and told her to request a new teacher and/or an aide for me
she was of course negative--"you know its too late in the year, they wont give us either"
my response---request anyway!!!!!! if you dont ask you for sure will not get
she is totally on my shit list right now
not because of this but wait till you hear this....
when i was out from work for that entire week earlier this month, i went to the doctor and he gave me a docotr's note asking that i be moved to a ground floor classroom as it is difficult for me to go up and down the stairs constantly every day with emphysema (i have to transport my students back and forth from their regular classes to mine)
instead of moving classrooms--i really like mine---i preferred to have permission to transport my students in the elevator--and only when i was having an exacerbation, not everyday
of course this just would not do
i can use the elevator when i am not transporting kids but not with kids(i already do this)
she doesnt want to "open that can of worms"
well, then she says if i give her that note she will have no choice but to move me and the only 2 places i can choose from are the "conference room"(glorified closet, which is being used for storing old computers right now), or a tiny classroom in the new building which would have me in and out of the cold weather now, the hot in the rest of the year and the rain all the time---neithre are acceptable
there are empty classrooms in the building
if push comes to shove and i have more frequent exacerbations i will be forced to give her the note but with the understanding that if she puts me in either spot i will have to sue her as i AM covered by ADA-americans with disabilities act
i am averse to doing that right now for two reasons
first, as i mentioned, i really like like where i am now
i have a suite of rooms that i call mine that are all interconnecting--my room, an empty rom used for storing unused furniture, a connecting bookroom on the other side of me that i can use for my own storage as well, and through there to the upstairs lounge and teacher's restroom
second, BD mostly leaves me alone and actually speaks well of me to others, which is not her style
if i rock the boat, i will face rougher times and i dont wanna
mostly its the first reason, as i can handle myself pretty well and am not scared of anything she can dish out
and have i mentioned how much i hate the shrub??????????
more on that bastard later