Monday, February 02, 2004
i went to work and did my "duty" then came home right after the forst bell
i was having a bit of trouble breathing and was beginning to get a stabbing headache; several coworkers were walking around with colds and flu symptoms so i decided to play it safe and carry my ass home; respiratory index today was a 2 which is really bad-- no wonder i couldnt breathe
i slept precious little last nite, tossing and turning till about 2 am and then----
i had nightmares about michael jackson ripping off his top and he was all pasty
survivor started last nite and tina was voted out; i was hoping the first to go would be richard hatch cuz he is such a turdball; i suspect that all the previous winners will go first---they got thier million, give someone else a chance---my faves--ethan, colby, rob m., tom
one of my coworkers posted on our school e-discussion board that she is selling her mobile home and the lot it's on; right now i am renting and have been in this house for 12 years; it really is time to think about buying something
i feel like my only chance to get something modern and decent would be to go with a mobile home, and so i went to check out the one K was selling---i didnt like the neighborhood, although the general area is very nice, the lil subdivision was all trailers, some decent some icky; mel says her friend maryclaire says that neighborhood is bad news(her son deals drugs there)
anywho, let me know what you think about maybe a mobile home in a decent area compared to an older home that i wouldnt be able to fix up myself cuz i dont have those kinda skills
who owns, and who rents?
i was having a bit of trouble breathing and was beginning to get a stabbing headache; several coworkers were walking around with colds and flu symptoms so i decided to play it safe and carry my ass home; respiratory index today was a 2 which is really bad-- no wonder i couldnt breathe
i slept precious little last nite, tossing and turning till about 2 am and then----
i had nightmares about michael jackson ripping off his top and he was all pasty
survivor started last nite and tina was voted out; i was hoping the first to go would be richard hatch cuz he is such a turdball; i suspect that all the previous winners will go first---they got thier million, give someone else a chance---my faves--ethan, colby, rob m., tom
one of my coworkers posted on our school e-discussion board that she is selling her mobile home and the lot it's on; right now i am renting and have been in this house for 12 years; it really is time to think about buying something
i feel like my only chance to get something modern and decent would be to go with a mobile home, and so i went to check out the one K was selling---i didnt like the neighborhood, although the general area is very nice, the lil subdivision was all trailers, some decent some icky; mel says her friend maryclaire says that neighborhood is bad news(her son deals drugs there)
anywho, let me know what you think about maybe a mobile home in a decent area compared to an older home that i wouldnt be able to fix up myself cuz i dont have those kinda skills
who owns, and who rents?