Saturday, February 14, 2004
i have been going through another sleepy/foggy period(hopefully due to meds and not something more sinister)
and although i have been reading casatejando and visiting @jj's i just havent had the get up and go to type an entry here
truat me, it isnt that i dont have all kinds of opinions about stuff
like gay weddings in SF
but what happens after/if they are told by courts they cant do that--will they be null and void? but i think it is fabulous that the world see how many dedicated gay couples there are--like that lesbian couple that had been together for 51 years and were in their 80s--loved it
the shrub's military records, paystubs, etc---whatever, but why dont any commanding officers remember you? paperwoek can be forged, but memories of people cant so easily be
SAD i just suddenly wondered if my fog and sleepiness are due to seasonal affective disorder, particularly since we have had constant rain forever now
my ark would be done, but i havent had the energy to work on it
is anyone else planning on seeing mel gibson's passion of the christ?
i want to, but it will prolly give me nightmares
i think that although we all know the story, once we SEE what he actually suffered in all its gory detail we will be all the more grateful for what he did for us; those that dont believe he is the messiah will still be mortified at what he suffered; plus it wasnt just him that was put to death in such a manner
wesley clark---it was a blow and not the good kind to have him withdraw from the race; pleasepleaseplease let kerry be able to pull the presidential election off; four more years of bush could be all it takes to destroy us completely; i will never ever forgive him (and i hope history denounces him) for making us an aggressor nation; every parent brother sister aunt cousin relative of any kind of any dead because of his policies should take to the streets and politick against him; anyway, back to clark---at least if he's not in office, i may stand a chance of getting him in bed, lalala---he is so gorgeous! one more look....
and although i have been reading casatejando and visiting @jj's i just havent had the get up and go to type an entry here
truat me, it isnt that i dont have all kinds of opinions about stuff
like gay weddings in SF
but what happens after/if they are told by courts they cant do that--will they be null and void? but i think it is fabulous that the world see how many dedicated gay couples there are--like that lesbian couple that had been together for 51 years and were in their 80s--loved it
the shrub's military records, paystubs, etc---whatever, but why dont any commanding officers remember you? paperwoek can be forged, but memories of people cant so easily be
SAD i just suddenly wondered if my fog and sleepiness are due to seasonal affective disorder, particularly since we have had constant rain forever now
my ark would be done, but i havent had the energy to work on it
is anyone else planning on seeing mel gibson's passion of the christ?
i want to, but it will prolly give me nightmares
i think that although we all know the story, once we SEE what he actually suffered in all its gory detail we will be all the more grateful for what he did for us; those that dont believe he is the messiah will still be mortified at what he suffered; plus it wasnt just him that was put to death in such a manner
wesley clark---it was a blow and not the good kind to have him withdraw from the race; pleasepleaseplease let kerry be able to pull the presidential election off; four more years of bush could be all it takes to destroy us completely; i will never ever forgive him (and i hope history denounces him) for making us an aggressor nation; every parent brother sister aunt cousin relative of any kind of any dead because of his policies should take to the streets and politick against him; anyway, back to clark---at least if he's not in office, i may stand a chance of getting him in bed, lalala---he is so gorgeous! one more look....