Saturday, January 10, 2004
Rough Work Week, continued.....
Thursday afternoon when i was picking up my kindergartener and 1st graders, the kindergarten teacher asked 'S' why her sister was absent the last couple days
sometimes simple questions result in horrors of answers
"she couldnt come to school cuz she cant sit down"
"why cant she sit down?"
"mama whipped her for saying bad words"
her sister, 'N', had returned to school that day and had bruises on her bottom as observed by the teacher---i dont know why the teacher looked, probably because the little girl was crying because it hurt to sit
i told the K teacher that since she had asked the questions it was on her to report it
educators are required by law to report even the suspicion of abuse
Friday morning----
i am walking down the hall and pass the curriculum coordinator's office and 'S' is in there with her teacher, crying hysterically
of course, i go in
apparently the K teacher went to BD to report the stuff from Thursday and BD in her infinite wisdom talks to the parent instead of social services
'S', 'N', and their brother 'A' are foster children and in the process of being adopted
the family moved her from another state recently
foster children cannot be spanked. period. ever.
BD thought the mother may have spanked just a little too hard and wanted the mother to be careful and supposedly warned her that future problems would mean a call to cjild protection
well, "S" got her mother busted when they got home because she told family busuness
she was also told that she and 'N' were gonna be sent back to the people that had them before and never see their brother again
the people that had them before were very abusive and 'S' kept saying they'll put her back in the basement with the skeleton
there's more but you get the idea
i spent the morning playing counselr since ours was out sick this whole past week
i took the girls to my room and we played board games and computer games and ate candy and laughed
i brought them back to their teachers
by then social services were at the school, interviewed the 3 kids and then me
then they were off to the high school to interview older children that had already been adopted by the couple
that afternoon, i babysat again while we waited for a case worker to come take the children
they werent returning least not yet
that was hard--they knew they had missed their bus and were worried what their mother would say/do and when exactly WAS she coming to get them? sad sad sad
the whole day i was near tears but couldnt let the kids see that
having seen similar incidents, i know they may well end up back in the home, but hopefully not
i fear for them
Thursday afternoon when i was picking up my kindergartener and 1st graders, the kindergarten teacher asked 'S' why her sister was absent the last couple days
sometimes simple questions result in horrors of answers
"she couldnt come to school cuz she cant sit down"
"why cant she sit down?"
"mama whipped her for saying bad words"
her sister, 'N', had returned to school that day and had bruises on her bottom as observed by the teacher---i dont know why the teacher looked, probably because the little girl was crying because it hurt to sit
i told the K teacher that since she had asked the questions it was on her to report it
educators are required by law to report even the suspicion of abuse
Friday morning----
i am walking down the hall and pass the curriculum coordinator's office and 'S' is in there with her teacher, crying hysterically
of course, i go in
apparently the K teacher went to BD to report the stuff from Thursday and BD in her infinite wisdom talks to the parent instead of social services
'S', 'N', and their brother 'A' are foster children and in the process of being adopted
the family moved her from another state recently
foster children cannot be spanked. period. ever.
BD thought the mother may have spanked just a little too hard and wanted the mother to be careful and supposedly warned her that future problems would mean a call to cjild protection
well, "S" got her mother busted when they got home because she told family busuness
she was also told that she and 'N' were gonna be sent back to the people that had them before and never see their brother again
the people that had them before were very abusive and 'S' kept saying they'll put her back in the basement with the skeleton
there's more but you get the idea
i spent the morning playing counselr since ours was out sick this whole past week
i took the girls to my room and we played board games and computer games and ate candy and laughed
i brought them back to their teachers
by then social services were at the school, interviewed the 3 kids and then me
then they were off to the high school to interview older children that had already been adopted by the couple
that afternoon, i babysat again while we waited for a case worker to come take the children
they werent returning least not yet
that was hard--they knew they had missed their bus and were worried what their mother would say/do and when exactly WAS she coming to get them? sad sad sad
the whole day i was near tears but couldnt let the kids see that
having seen similar incidents, i know they may well end up back in the home, but hopefully not
i fear for them