Wednesday, January 07, 2004
i returned to work this week and omg where do i begin???????????????
i couldnt sleep sunday nite
you know how it is
if i fall asleep, then the next moment will bring the dreaded morning
ack ack ack
but i gotta sleep
omfg the nite will be over how will i survive on NO sleep
fall asleep goshdarnit(and some fairly stronger words too)!!!!
my mind was like all over the place, thinking not of work, really, but of things so old and much mulled over already, but i guess not really dealt with sufficiently--old flames, dead friends, drug habits and other various sundry events that i am ashamed of or wish i could change
of course i finally fell asleep and woke up for early morning duty
i dont recall alot of monday,......surprise!...welcome to early onset alzheimers
tuesday i remember
there was a bomb threat at the high school across the street and their entire faculty/staff and student body converged on our campus and all hell broke loose
let's back up just a bit to sweet Mr.T eating a nice quiet lunch in his classroom and answering work related email and voicemails when another teacher asked what was the deal downstairs with all of *school name deleted*'s students in our school
silly sweet me calls the office to get the scoop
even sillier, i run down to see if they need my assistance---well of course they do! it has been announced on the noon news and parents are freaking out
parents of high school students are advised to come pick up their kids from our campus and parents of OUR students freak out because of the proximity of the 2 schools and they are calling and coming to the school to take their precious babies home
major nightmare
next time i really need to just close my door and dim the lights and grade papers or something
on the bright side, i cancelled all my afternoon classes to help deal with the logistical nightmare out front
i come home after that thinking all i really wanna do is sleep since i still havent adjusted to the many hours less sleep per night that i am getting now that we have to like work(over the break i was sleeping about 10 hours or so and that's not counting naps)
i watched the taped episode of days of our lives and just had to call melodie and discuss the newest developments and we decide to call Byrdie(our other daysof our lives-freak friend who moved back to Batavia Iowa last year, and is peb's neighbor now)and do a conference call thingie and we talked for like 3 hours
so dammit tonite IWILLGOTOBEDEARLY
but since its already 930 i doubt it shitshitshit
i must say though, that i although i dont feel like the lexapro has helped my tummy troubles yet, cuz they returned sunday night, with the return of work thoughts, i do feel a lot less volatile--no more screaming cussing coocoo whenever any little annoyance occurs, and though i can still fell angry, i just feel more balanced
maybe with a slight increase of dosage the tummy WILL get better
Byrdie if you read any of this leave me a comment----she's scared to check out my site-she thinks she'll come across gay porn---heeheehee, maybe i'll mail her some!
chrisco has been having trouble accessing the blog
i dont know why
i hope no one else is having problems getting here
i already talk to myself, but this would be taking it to a whole other level
i returned to work this week and omg where do i begin???????????????
i couldnt sleep sunday nite
you know how it is
if i fall asleep, then the next moment will bring the dreaded morning
ack ack ack
but i gotta sleep
omfg the nite will be over how will i survive on NO sleep
fall asleep goshdarnit(and some fairly stronger words too)!!!!
my mind was like all over the place, thinking not of work, really, but of things so old and much mulled over already, but i guess not really dealt with sufficiently--old flames, dead friends, drug habits and other various sundry events that i am ashamed of or wish i could change
of course i finally fell asleep and woke up for early morning duty
i dont recall alot of monday,......surprise!...welcome to early onset alzheimers
tuesday i remember
there was a bomb threat at the high school across the street and their entire faculty/staff and student body converged on our campus and all hell broke loose
let's back up just a bit to sweet Mr.T eating a nice quiet lunch in his classroom and answering work related email and voicemails when another teacher asked what was the deal downstairs with all of *school name deleted*'s students in our school
silly sweet me calls the office to get the scoop
even sillier, i run down to see if they need my assistance---well of course they do! it has been announced on the noon news and parents are freaking out
parents of high school students are advised to come pick up their kids from our campus and parents of OUR students freak out because of the proximity of the 2 schools and they are calling and coming to the school to take their precious babies home
major nightmare
next time i really need to just close my door and dim the lights and grade papers or something
on the bright side, i cancelled all my afternoon classes to help deal with the logistical nightmare out front
i come home after that thinking all i really wanna do is sleep since i still havent adjusted to the many hours less sleep per night that i am getting now that we have to like work(over the break i was sleeping about 10 hours or so and that's not counting naps)
i watched the taped episode of days of our lives and just had to call melodie and discuss the newest developments and we decide to call Byrdie(our other daysof our lives-freak friend who moved back to Batavia Iowa last year, and is peb's neighbor now)and do a conference call thingie and we talked for like 3 hours
so dammit tonite IWILLGOTOBEDEARLY
but since its already 930 i doubt it shitshitshit
i must say though, that i although i dont feel like the lexapro has helped my tummy troubles yet, cuz they returned sunday night, with the return of work thoughts, i do feel a lot less volatile--no more screaming cussing coocoo whenever any little annoyance occurs, and though i can still fell angry, i just feel more balanced
maybe with a slight increase of dosage the tummy WILL get better
Byrdie if you read any of this leave me a comment----she's scared to check out my site-she thinks she'll come across gay porn---heeheehee, maybe i'll mail her some!
chrisco has been having trouble accessing the blog
i dont know why
i hope no one else is having problems getting here
i already talk to myself, but this would be taking it to a whole other level