
Sunday, December 21, 2003

today i woke up really cranky
the kick-the-cat kind of pissy bad mood
so, although i slept for 10 hours last nite, i went back to bed after being up only 3 hours and slept for a few more hours

i feel a little better, but kinda hungovery from the excess sleep
but not cranky
funny, i feel like going back to bed.....hmmmm

i had some very vivid dreams about a man
not anyone i know, maybe its someone you know though, because where else could he have come from if not from someone's memories???
no, he didnt have a cute bunny(i looked)

but no actual sex--story of my life, lol

vivid dreams have been the norm the last wek
you guessed it, thx lexapro!

well i have to bathe the babies tonite, and no excuses!!!
more about dreams later

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