
Sunday, December 28, 2003

Happy New Year

Last nite Melodie and I had our annual Christmas feast at Hunter's Harlequin, where we eat she drinks and we exchange gifts---and omfg!!!! i had an alcoholic beverage myself!!!!!! my years ago favorite, kahlua and cream....i was buzzing like you don't know....i wonder why you aren't supposed to imbibe while taking SSRIs?

Melodie gave me the book Out on a Leash by Shirley MacLaine, a cutsie bookmark and the annual Hallmark collectible ornament--this years is a cute rendition of winnie the pooh

the alcohol made me a little drunk and i fell madly in lust with this man at another table and melodie had a terrible time trying to keep me from humping his leg heehee; for some reason she was aghast that i wanted to give him my number, i kept telling her that the woman he was with was his sister and not his wife--mel says it doesn't matter--whatever

christmas eve was a total pisser---you know how family things can be; i have one of the typical dysfunctional families, but i just thought this year would be better since i'm on meds
wellllll, there isn't enough medication in the known universe to overcome the family xmas; as a dear friend and i discussed the other night, you don't realize what you have till they are gone so enjoy them while you can

actually it wasn't all that horrible, i suppose
mom and dad were going to xmas eve mass and then were to pick up little ceaser's pizzas and we were to all meet at their house to exchange gifties; first the time was set for 530pm then changed to 6 in case mass lasted longer like it tends to on xmas eve

i live about 20 minutes from the parental units and was getting ready to leave when mom calls and says that they met up with my little brother at church and they all sneaked out early(right after communion) and had picked up the pizzas already for me to come on

by the time i got there everyone else had finished eating and were exchanging gifts---i just felt like i was an afterthought

but i smiled, ate some pizza, opened my gifts, said thank you and left

i had to go back xmas morning to help prepare the xmas feast and xmas day was better thanks for asking; but then it better be since i am the only sibling that will lift a finger to help do any kind of work, but that's another gripe for another day(sardonic grin)

anyway, did i say that that cutie in the restaurant looked AND sounded like TRIP?????

if i don't get a man soon i'm gonna hire one for the nite; maybe our iowan friend will do me for cheap...i hear he is a butch top

oh and 2004 is jazzy's year!!!!!! ask mikey, lol

happy new year to all the horny homos and fauxmos and even the stray hetero that might be in the room

and no i am not making any resolutions to quit anything
i find it easier to resolve to DO things
maybe next year i should resolve to drink more-------water


ps the spellcheck offered "jackass" as a possible replacement for jazzy roflmao

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