Sunday, November 09, 2003
last nite i had a chance to talk to briefly to chrisco, jazz, lucy, and noah in gaycams chat. it was nice to visit, if only briefly. i just cant seem to stay up late enough for the chats anymore, even before i started on lexapro. i miss those fun times immensely. most of my days are spent only with children at work and my babies at home, and its nice to have adult conversation occasionally.
i havent updated since day one on lexapro
day 2(thursday) was better; i had slept well the night before; i felt good, i walked around humming happy little tunes and had a smile most of the day; it didnt quite feel right and i still had no appetite. that night, i again had sleep problems--i woke up frequently and couldnt immediately go back to sleep
day 3(friday) i was miserable: headache, nausea, tired, a little off balance, still no appetite, and pain in the neck which i attributed to sleeping wrong but now know it is another side effect---when i got home from work i took a 2 hour nap and only got up because the dogs were barking and wouldnt stop
Saturday, after sleeping 10 hours(on top of that 2 hour nap!), i woke up feeling still blah: breathing very deeply(worrisome due to my emphysema), chest pains, and the ever present nausea, stomachachy, headachy, sleepy. then later in the day i started to have muscle cramps in my arms and legs---very painful ones
i did a google search on lexapro and found a message board here for people taking lexapro that made me realize that all these things PLUS some other things i thought were the beginnings of a cold--cough, the chest pains and breathing too, sinus pain---were also side effects and that although the manufacturer touts this drug as the next generation of celexa and has oh so many fewer side effects, that is not the case as many people that post on drbob's board that they have switched from celexa to lexapro and it is very similar
anyway, several people post that no one should give up too quickly that it takes time, but the side effects go away after about 6-8 weeks
OMFG do i really wann go thru that long just to see if this will help me enough to get off prevacid?
i cant decide what to do
i want to wait at least until after i know more about what armando's condition/prognosis is, because if it is bad news i will be unconsolable
plus, after another decent night sleep, i feel a little better today and even had a little appetite, but eating made my belly hurt, and this ever present fatigue is annoying
in a little bit i am due at my little brother's house for my god-daughter's birthday party
i am considering not going as it is a good 30 minutes away and i'm not sure i feel up to the drive; but i dont want to disappoint Elise(or annoy my parents)
i had gotten really far behind in keeping up with the gaycams boards
hurray for noah's 100% donor count
and still no more good gossip about gc's and bok's billionaire---it's one of those 'inquiring minds want to know' issues
i may try to be on yahoo msgr later tonite, but i have to work on progress reports and lesson plans later, so dont hold me to it
thanks to all the encouraging emails and prayers
my online family is TOPS
i havent updated since day one on lexapro
day 2(thursday) was better; i had slept well the night before; i felt good, i walked around humming happy little tunes and had a smile most of the day; it didnt quite feel right and i still had no appetite. that night, i again had sleep problems--i woke up frequently and couldnt immediately go back to sleep
day 3(friday) i was miserable: headache, nausea, tired, a little off balance, still no appetite, and pain in the neck which i attributed to sleeping wrong but now know it is another side effect---when i got home from work i took a 2 hour nap and only got up because the dogs were barking and wouldnt stop
Saturday, after sleeping 10 hours(on top of that 2 hour nap!), i woke up feeling still blah: breathing very deeply(worrisome due to my emphysema), chest pains, and the ever present nausea, stomachachy, headachy, sleepy. then later in the day i started to have muscle cramps in my arms and legs---very painful ones
i did a google search on lexapro and found a message board here for people taking lexapro that made me realize that all these things PLUS some other things i thought were the beginnings of a cold--cough, the chest pains and breathing too, sinus pain---were also side effects and that although the manufacturer touts this drug as the next generation of celexa and has oh so many fewer side effects, that is not the case as many people that post on drbob's board that they have switched from celexa to lexapro and it is very similar
anyway, several people post that no one should give up too quickly that it takes time, but the side effects go away after about 6-8 weeks
OMFG do i really wann go thru that long just to see if this will help me enough to get off prevacid?
i cant decide what to do
i want to wait at least until after i know more about what armando's condition/prognosis is, because if it is bad news i will be unconsolable
plus, after another decent night sleep, i feel a little better today and even had a little appetite, but eating made my belly hurt, and this ever present fatigue is annoying
in a little bit i am due at my little brother's house for my god-daughter's birthday party
i am considering not going as it is a good 30 minutes away and i'm not sure i feel up to the drive; but i dont want to disappoint Elise(or annoy my parents)
i had gotten really far behind in keeping up with the gaycams boards
hurray for noah's 100% donor count
and still no more good gossip about gc's and bok's billionaire---it's one of those 'inquiring minds want to know' issues
i may try to be on yahoo msgr later tonite, but i have to work on progress reports and lesson plans later, so dont hold me to it
thanks to all the encouraging emails and prayers
my online family is TOPS