Sunday, November 16, 2003
for those that do not receive the emails from fortheboys yahoo messageboard, this is a post from gary
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 09:03:55 -0000
Subject: [ForTheBoysTV] Steve and Gary: The Next Generation
Happy fall to everyone!
First off, thanks for enduring my rant a few weeks ago about the
wildfires pre-empting All My Children for so damn long! Sadly,
we still do not know who killed Michael Cambias. It's amazing
how long they drag this stuff out on daytime, but they've hooked
me like a dimwit flounder and won't let me go. What can I say?
I'm an easy target for high drama.
We finished editing our FINAL ForTheBoys for PrideVision last
week (Canadian viewers – be on the lookout for it – it airs
Saturday the 15th and again Monday the 17th). While we miss
the live shows, it's nice to have a break from it, and to be honest,
from each other. Those fights you see on the show are NEVER
STAGED, and may I pay tribute to my producing partner Steve for
putting up with my histrionics as of late. My patience has been
very thin and his has been tremendous.
Cat #2 in my house, named "Z," was struck down by a mystery
ailment that left him wailing in pain, and unable to eat or walk.
Six trips to the vet and a thousand dollars later, we still aren't
sure what's wrong with him, but he's doing better. He's a little
wobbly when he walks, but that's just like me on any Saturday
night, so who's to complain? I have to feed him through a
syringe and shove two large pills down his throat twice a day. My
hands now resemble human scratching posts. Send your best
wishes for his speedy recovery, would you? It would be a little
lonely for me here at him without him.
PrideVision is working on gaining support for a U.S. debut. If you
haven't yet, send them an e-mail at and
let them know you're interested in seeing ForTheBoys stateside.
And for Candian viewers, if you're interested in purchasing a
DVD of the MediaPickle cartoons we show up there, Chris Dill
has made a complilation DVD that can be purchased through
But of course, nothing makes a better Christmas gift than
ForTheBoys on DVD. Share laughs with your friends, shock your
parents into an early grave, send them to Pat Robertson with
some cookies and a nice homemade Christmas card. The
possibilities are endless. Visit and make your
holiday purchase today!
In addition, if you're interested in buying books for a Christmas
gift, my store ships anywhere in the U.S., and aside from the
usual book store sections, we also have very extensive
photography, gender, film, tv and art sections. If you can't find a
title at your local stores, we can probably special order it for you
and send it in plenty of time for the holiday of your choice. You
can check my store out at or call to inquire
at 310-659-3110. And be sure to tell them you heard about it
through me. I can always use the brownie points.
Now, we want to know what's up with YOU so e-mail us back
with what and who you've been doing lately!
Gary and Steve
i have a link to their site if you want to order the dvd's
their email is Steve & Gary @ if you would just like to respond to gary
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 09:03:55 -0000
Subject: [ForTheBoysTV] Steve and Gary: The Next Generation
Happy fall to everyone!
First off, thanks for enduring my rant a few weeks ago about the
wildfires pre-empting All My Children for so damn long! Sadly,
we still do not know who killed Michael Cambias. It's amazing
how long they drag this stuff out on daytime, but they've hooked
me like a dimwit flounder and won't let me go. What can I say?
I'm an easy target for high drama.
We finished editing our FINAL ForTheBoys for PrideVision last
week (Canadian viewers – be on the lookout for it – it airs
Saturday the 15th and again Monday the 17th). While we miss
the live shows, it's nice to have a break from it, and to be honest,
from each other. Those fights you see on the show are NEVER
STAGED, and may I pay tribute to my producing partner Steve for
putting up with my histrionics as of late. My patience has been
very thin and his has been tremendous.
Cat #2 in my house, named "Z," was struck down by a mystery
ailment that left him wailing in pain, and unable to eat or walk.
Six trips to the vet and a thousand dollars later, we still aren't
sure what's wrong with him, but he's doing better. He's a little
wobbly when he walks, but that's just like me on any Saturday
night, so who's to complain? I have to feed him through a
syringe and shove two large pills down his throat twice a day. My
hands now resemble human scratching posts. Send your best
wishes for his speedy recovery, would you? It would be a little
lonely for me here at him without him.
PrideVision is working on gaining support for a U.S. debut. If you
haven't yet, send them an e-mail at and
let them know you're interested in seeing ForTheBoys stateside.
And for Candian viewers, if you're interested in purchasing a
DVD of the MediaPickle cartoons we show up there, Chris Dill
has made a complilation DVD that can be purchased through
But of course, nothing makes a better Christmas gift than
ForTheBoys on DVD. Share laughs with your friends, shock your
parents into an early grave, send them to Pat Robertson with
some cookies and a nice homemade Christmas card. The
possibilities are endless. Visit and make your
holiday purchase today!
In addition, if you're interested in buying books for a Christmas
gift, my store ships anywhere in the U.S., and aside from the
usual book store sections, we also have very extensive
photography, gender, film, tv and art sections. If you can't find a
title at your local stores, we can probably special order it for you
and send it in plenty of time for the holiday of your choice. You
can check my store out at or call to inquire
at 310-659-3110. And be sure to tell them you heard about it
through me. I can always use the brownie points.
Now, we want to know what's up with YOU so e-mail us back
with what and who you've been doing lately!
Gary and Steve
i have a link to their site if you want to order the dvd's
their email is Steve & Gary @