Wednesday, November 05, 2003
day one on lexapro was not fun
i took the shit last nite right before bed as prescribed
i went to bed at 1030
at 1230 i woke up wired
i didnt fall back asleep till after 3, and was back up by 5 wired again
well of course by the time i got to work i was ready to collapse
side effects that i experienced today included headache and nausea
when the children would act up, instead of getting angry, i wanted to cry
i was wobbly on my feet and you know i go up and down the stairs at least 15-20 times a day
so, do i take it again tonite and hope that over the next few days my body and brain adjust or do i stop now and toss the pills in the garbage???
now that i'm home and have had a chance to sit and rest for a little and cuddle with my babies, i do feel a lil better and actually ate a lil supper, and i even laughed a little over armando teasing the others to get them to chase him(would a dog with heart disease behave thus?)
that's another thing, i am a generally happy, fun person at work
today i was very quiet and subdued
many of the side effects that i experienced today might actually be from lack of sleep rather than directly due to the lexapro---although the lack of sleep was most certainly due to the pills
why do i always react differently than expected (from meds)?
jj, come take care of me sweetie; the boys will be okay without you for a couple weeks(months)(and becky would prolly love to get you outta her stash for a bit)
my sister says it will probably take 2 weeks for the meds to really get in my system and my body adjust----i just dont know if i can do it
anybody else out there on anti-anxiety/antidepressant type drugs? most of my co-workers are on paxil and very happy with their lot; it would probably make me psychotic
i took the shit last nite right before bed as prescribed
i went to bed at 1030
at 1230 i woke up wired
i didnt fall back asleep till after 3, and was back up by 5 wired again
well of course by the time i got to work i was ready to collapse
side effects that i experienced today included headache and nausea
when the children would act up, instead of getting angry, i wanted to cry
i was wobbly on my feet and you know i go up and down the stairs at least 15-20 times a day
so, do i take it again tonite and hope that over the next few days my body and brain adjust or do i stop now and toss the pills in the garbage???
now that i'm home and have had a chance to sit and rest for a little and cuddle with my babies, i do feel a lil better and actually ate a lil supper, and i even laughed a little over armando teasing the others to get them to chase him(would a dog with heart disease behave thus?)
that's another thing, i am a generally happy, fun person at work
today i was very quiet and subdued
many of the side effects that i experienced today might actually be from lack of sleep rather than directly due to the lexapro---although the lack of sleep was most certainly due to the pills
why do i always react differently than expected (from meds)?
jj, come take care of me sweetie; the boys will be okay without you for a couple weeks(months)(and becky would prolly love to get you outta her stash for a bit)
my sister says it will probably take 2 weeks for the meds to really get in my system and my body adjust----i just dont know if i can do it
anybody else out there on anti-anxiety/antidepressant type drugs? most of my co-workers are on paxil and very happy with their lot; it would probably make me psychotic