Tuesday, November 11, 2003
armando's little heart was not making that extra little beat that it was last week
but dr. poynter did some more ekg strips and some showed nothing abnormal; others showed that weird electrical activity; xrays looked normal
blood work was mostly good, except for a high wbc count and very high blood sugar(220 with 75-125 being normal)
i wasnt surprised by the wbc count since we are treating for an ear infection already with otomax, but he added an oral antibiotic also; we are changing his diet to one with fewer carbohydrates and more fiber in an attempt to bring the blood suger in line
he does not have diabetes (yet) as there was no glucose in his urine (i dont even wanna know how you get a urine sample from a dog)(i bet pebbles has video); if he ends up with diabetes i will have to learn to give insulin injections (maybe i can con my sister the nurse into coming visit everyday)
all of the test results and xrays were sent to a specialist for their opinion and i should know what they say either tomorrow or thursday
tess had a professional grooming and haircut and looks fabulous(after i re-did her bow and combed her out one more time)
me? i awoke at 6 am today wide awake and feeling pretty good
while armando and tess were at the vet, gabriel and i took a nice long walk; he was a bit upset that i took the others somewhere and came home without them
i did have a minor headache for a bit, but i had a decent appetite today and even ate an extra meal; but i feel depressed now---its a couple hours till i take my next dose of lexapro
also i suddenly have a large tender lump on the inside of my lower right arm; i'm going back to the manufacturer's website and that messageboard to check to see if it is another side effect
we were off from school today, but tomorrow is another workday and i have the dentist right after; i go in for a cleaning and a fussing(my dentist always finds something to fuss at me about)
if he's not nice , i may bite him
but dr. poynter did some more ekg strips and some showed nothing abnormal; others showed that weird electrical activity; xrays looked normal
blood work was mostly good, except for a high wbc count and very high blood sugar(220 with 75-125 being normal)
i wasnt surprised by the wbc count since we are treating for an ear infection already with otomax, but he added an oral antibiotic also; we are changing his diet to one with fewer carbohydrates and more fiber in an attempt to bring the blood suger in line
he does not have diabetes (yet) as there was no glucose in his urine (i dont even wanna know how you get a urine sample from a dog)(i bet pebbles has video); if he ends up with diabetes i will have to learn to give insulin injections (maybe i can con my sister the nurse into coming visit everyday)
all of the test results and xrays were sent to a specialist for their opinion and i should know what they say either tomorrow or thursday
tess had a professional grooming and haircut and looks fabulous(after i re-did her bow and combed her out one more time)
me? i awoke at 6 am today wide awake and feeling pretty good
while armando and tess were at the vet, gabriel and i took a nice long walk; he was a bit upset that i took the others somewhere and came home without them
i did have a minor headache for a bit, but i had a decent appetite today and even ate an extra meal; but i feel depressed now---its a couple hours till i take my next dose of lexapro
also i suddenly have a large tender lump on the inside of my lower right arm; i'm going back to the manufacturer's website and that messageboard to check to see if it is another side effect
we were off from school today, but tomorrow is another workday and i have the dentist right after; i go in for a cleaning and a fussing(my dentist always finds something to fuss at me about)
if he's not nice , i may bite him